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  1. Jango

    Let's See Your Collection! Any Size!

    I think the first time you posted a setup photo with the Kallax shelves, your entire collection fit in a 2x4. You’ve come a long way.
  2. Jango

    New ultrasonic vinyl cleaner in the works: Humminguru

    I don't have one, but I don't doubt what's been said by the Humminguru owners here. My main concern is reliability over time, so I'm just waiting to see what the pioneers have to say 6-12 months from purchase.
  3. Jango

    New ultrasonic vinyl cleaner in the works: Humminguru

    Okay, that makes more sense. The shipping didn't have "HK" in front of the dollar sign like there was on the product page.
  4. Jango

    New ultrasonic vinyl cleaner in the works: Humminguru

    I was looking at shipping for the Humminguru to Massachusetts and it came to $670! Is this for real?
  5. Jango

    Let's See What Makes Your Vinyl Spin!

    This is what I meant. It’s most likely the shelf, based on what I understand about Maggies, but troubleshooting various parts of the system doesn’t hurt.
  6. Jango

    Let's See What Makes Your Vinyl Spin!

    I had this issue awhile back after I set up my system in a new place. I thought it was the amp, but when I switched channels, the right speaker still seemed more quiet. It turned out that switching the direction of the cable for the right speaker did the trick. I’m not saying that’s your...
  7. Jango

    Sutherland Club House

    More slam with the LPS, but I otherwise agree.
  8. Jango

    Cables - one of the most taboo subjects in audio

    I just bought a second set of speaker cables from them since my Tannoys support bi-wire. I’m still well under the 50hr break-in they recommended, but the first set was blew me away.
  9. Jango

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    Maybe the better comparison is to the VPI Cliffwood than anything else in their line, in terms of mass and otherwise. For the rest of their line-up, VPI has three or four different arms, both gimbal and unipivot, and 3D printed and aluminum. I think VPIs design philosophy throws so much more...
  10. Jango

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    The tables use such different designs. I think the VPI platter alone weighs more than the Ultra Deck.
  11. Jango

    Audio Hardware Deals: Speakers, Headphones, Turntables, Etc.

    Just a heads up that I’ve posted a 6-month old REL T7i subwoofer in Buy, Sell, Trade. I’ll wait a few days before posting it elsewhere.
  12. Jango

    Cables - one of the most taboo subjects in audio

    One thing I would add is to keep your eye on the various used gear sites like The Music Room, Echo Audio, Audiogon, Audiomart, etc. Power cables require a lot of burn-in so buying used will not only allow you to get a better cable (like a Shunyata) for less, you'll also be way ahead of the game...
  13. Jango

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    I could try it with these speakers but I put it there awhile back to break up standing waves that I had at the front of the room. I bought the speakers from The Music Room. Also, I don’t have a CD player. I am curious what the set up audio consists of though.
  14. Jango

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    I love guides like this, but I always need to take into account that music listening is only one of the things this room is used for. So there ends up being a lot I need to pass over. The dimensions of the room are great, but like you said there are many factors here. One of the nice things...
  15. Jango

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    Tannoy Cheviot Update, FYE It’s been a few weeks so I figured it was time for an update on the Tannoy Cheviots. I bought these used but they were still quite new and needed some break-in. After 50 hours or so, and several hours of active listening, I’ve decided to send them back. After all, I...
  16. Jango

    Let's See What Makes Your Vinyl Spin!

    FOMO in 3… 2… 1….
  17. Jango

    Totally Tubular: The Tube Thread

    Triode wasn’t suited to my Focals, but it’s pretty magical with the Cheviots. I may be a convert!
  18. Jango

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    Ah, got it. The Focals image really well, but having the tweeter at exactly ear height is pretty critical to unlocking their full potential. That’s less important with the dual concentric driver on the Tannoys. While less important, I think I need to find a way to raise the Tannoys a bit. On...
  19. Jango

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    I've sung praises to Signal Cable over in the cables thread.