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  1. Jango

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    I replaced the Chorus 826v. I think the coax Tannoys are only the wall-mount units. The Cheviots have an extra set of speaker inputs for bi-wire/amping. Steve Guttenberg says bi-wiring them does offer some improvements, but that's further down the road, if at all.
  2. Jango

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    I think it's a good match. Don't know if you've heard Michael Stipe's cover of "Sunday Morning", but that was one of the first songs I put on last night after everything was connected. The moment when he starts singing was just out of this world.
  3. Jango

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    The new speakers arrived yesterday and I got them set up last night. These are Tannoy Cheviots, slightly used, courtesy of The Music Room. The Cheviots were on a short list of speakers I was considering to replace my Focals, and when I saw them come up on TMR I jumped at them. There aren’t any...
  4. Jango

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    This is just his personal setup gear. The doctor himself will coming via hot air balloon. (His choice, not mine.)
  5. Jango

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    It’s my new alignment protractor! @AnthonyI
  6. Jango

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    As I know folks here like new gear as much as I do (and more), I thought I’d pop back in to say, “I did a thing.” And here it is, on a palette waiting to be shipped!
  7. Jango

    Cables - one of the most taboo subjects in audio

    I splurged and went with the Neutriks. I can’t speak to the standard plug version, but I found the cables immediately gave me greater midrange clarity, more bass, and a slightly more smooth sound. Far and away better than the Zu Audio Mission cables they replaced.
  8. Jango

    Sutherland Club House

    Also wanted to point out that the Insight will be great, either way.
  9. Jango

    Sutherland Club House

    I think this has been covered a few times in this thread, at least with the 20/20. I found the LPS made a difference with my 20/20, which has better filtering than the Insight, and I’m glad I have it.
  10. Jango

    Sutherland Club House

    Pre-owned Insight alert!
  11. Jango

    Sutherland Club House

    Fidelis AV has a couple Loco demo units up on their site.
  12. Jango

    Cables - one of the most taboo subjects in audio

    My phono interconnects are built into the junction box of my VPI, so no. I have them running from my phono pre to my amp. I’ve tried the silvers too, but they were too bright for my setup. I liked the interconnects so much that I picked up a set of their speaker cables second hand, replacing Zu...
  13. Jango

    Cables - one of the most taboo subjects in audio

    I switched from the Mission cables to the Analog Two interconnects from Signal Cable. They cost a little more, but right out of the box they blew the Missions away.
  14. Jango

    Sutherland Club House

    It’d take a little bit of luck (or DIY know-how) to get one of those again. Sutherland only produced 25.
  15. Jango

    Sutherland Club House

    I jumped from the Insight to the 20/20 with LPS. After selling my Insight, the 20/20 cost me about $550. Once broken in, the improvement was significant. I found that lower mids and bass had more authority and weight. Really great for piano, percussion and, obviously, bass. The toe-tap factor is...
  16. Jango

    The VPI Turntable Thread

    That sucks. If you don’t get a quick response, give them a call.
  17. Jango

    The VPI Turntable Thread

    I’ve found reaching out to VPI first via email to be slow, but calling them will get you a response pretty quickly. Even if they end up following up via email.
  18. Jango

    Totally Tubular: The Tube Thread

    That’s really interesting. I’ve switched back and forth between the two, but haven’t used triode over an extended period to let my brain get used to it.
  19. Jango

    Sutherland Club House

    I had an Insight and loved it, but I got a crazy deal on a 20/20 so i sold it to @Corycm.
  20. Jango

    Totally Tubular: The Tube Thread

    Good catch.