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  1. Jango

    Audio Hardware Deals: Speakers, Headphones, Turntables, Etc.

    If you’re patient, you can pick up a used Insight for just under $1000.
  2. Jango

    Audio Hardware Deals: Speakers, Headphones, Turntables, Etc.

    It is a good price, but your experience seems consistent with what I’ve seen elsewhere: Folks buy a Vibe because it’s a relatively inexpensive entry point, but upgrade to the Insight as soon as possible.
  3. Jango

    Audio Hardware Deals: Speakers, Headphones, Turntables, Etc.

    A small price of admission to the Sutherland Club House. 😉
  4. Jango

    Audio Hardware Deals: Speakers, Headphones, Turntables, Etc.

    Not a particularly great deal, but it’s a great amp nonetheless
  5. Jango

    Wharfedale Linton 85th Anniversary Review

    With that budget, I’d jump on a pair of Cheviots. I might even buy them.
  6. Jango

    Audio Hardware Deals: Speakers, Headphones, Turntables, Etc.

    The price puts it beyond consideration, but these are such an eyesore it would be a hard pass even at an attainable price point.
  7. Jango

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    It’s been pretty great. I spent a bunch of time trying out the different power tubes that came with it, but since I put the 6CA7’s in there the tube rolling impulse has diminished significantly.
  8. Jango

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    I have Vibrapods under my PrimaLuna and had to use 4’s in front, but 5’s in the back due to the weight of the transformers.
  9. Jango

    Let's See What Makes Your Vinyl Spin!

    I see that you have the Gaias in place. How’re they working out?
  10. Jango

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    I thought this was a good article. Expensive equipment can’t compensate for a poorly setup system.
  11. Jango

    Totally Tubular: The Tube Thread

    I’m glad you like them. A couple weeks in and I’m really happy with them. Considering the price, they’re phenomenal. On a side note, I contacted Viva Tubes about the 6CA7 that was a little noisy and they’re sending me a matched replacement.
  12. Jango

    Sutherland Club House

    Last I checked it is a manual upgrade. I spoke to a dealer who had done an upgrade on his personal Insight and, while successful, he thought it was much harder than Ron Sutherland made it out to be. If you’re so inclined, I think the LPS might be a bigger upgrade than going from the Insight to...
  13. Jango

    Sutherland Club House

    I started with an Insight and eventually upgraded to the 20/20. I was very happy with the Insight and would probably still have it if I didn’t get such a great deal on the 20/20.
  14. Jango

    Wharfedale Linton 85th Anniversary Review

    Makes sense. If I had just bought new speakers I wouldn’t have been so quick to try the Gaias. The Lintons are beautiful and I probably wouldn’t want to mess with that either. But if someone were looking to improve the sound this would be a good way to do it without voiding the warranty.
  15. Jango

    Wharfedale Linton 85th Anniversary Review

    I haven’t looked at the price of the Indigos but the Gaia’s were $400 for 8. I mentioned the Indigos because I’m guessing the biggest benefit would be had if they were on the speakers, not the stands.
  16. Jango

    Wharfedale Linton 85th Anniversary Review

    The Gaias help mitigate vibrations from the floor yes. My speakers weigh more than the Lintons and were also on spikes. The Gaias allow the speakers to move to minimize the effect of internal reflections as well as within the room itself. There’s an explanation and demo that starts at the 0:58...
  17. Jango

    Wharfedale Linton 85th Anniversary Review

    No need to modify the speakers for the Gaias, get the IsoAcoustic Orea Indigos instead. They work on the same principles, but without the screw mount. I’ve only used the Gaias but, dollar for dollar, it’s the biggest improvement I’ve made to my system.
  18. Jango

    Totally Tubular: The Tube Thread

    I assumed you meant the driver tubes. Lingering Covid symptoms?
  19. Jango

    Totally Tubular: The Tube Thread

    What do you have in the gain position?
  20. Jango

    Totally Tubular: The Tube Thread

    Tried Upscale first but there was a four week wait I’ve never dealt with Viva Tubes, but they were fairly local so I took a shot.