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  1. ranbalam

    Pre-Order Thread

    So you write left, but throw righty? Interesting. I can throw righty a bit, but left is what I always have done. But I golf/bat/shoot with a hockey stick right handed.
  2. ranbalam

    Online Vinyl Deals

    Finally got around to a Spin Clean session so I cracked open that Allman Brothers box. Did anyone else buy it when it was on sale? It's a really nice package, the book looks like something I'll definitely read through. And I can say I've never had a "Side T" before.
  3. ranbalam

    Pre-Order Thread

    Hey, fellow leftie! Writing right handed always looks so much easier, just pulling a pen along for the smooth ride. We have to shove it forward, and smudge it all up. In 6th grade art class, for calligraphy the teacher had me do it backwards. Do you use left handed or right handed scissors? I...
  4. ranbalam

    January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

    That all looks amazing.
  5. ranbalam

    January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

    January 26: Secrets of the Sith – Play an album with a hidden track I'll go for the easy one I guess...
  6. ranbalam

    January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

    January 25: It’s my birthday, surprise me! Happy Birthday! How about some Kadhja Bonet?
  7. ranbalam

    January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

    January 24: A Bounty Hunter’s Creed – Pick a song with a cool, dangerous edge. Spot. On. I loved this album when it came out, and all these years later I'm still not tired of it.
  8. ranbalam

    January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

    January 23: The Droids’ Playlist – Electronic day!
  9. ranbalam

    Upcoming/Recent Shows

    Bob Mould is playing a small, really cool venue in Detroit, so I might do that one. Beth Gibbons falls on a day that I'm just getting back in town from a golf trip, so it's kind of funny you mentioned golf and music together.
  10. ranbalam

    2025 Reading Challenge

    Book 2 - Nuclear War: A Scenario by Annie Jacobsen This was recommended by @mdmost and I enjoyed (?) reading it. Hard to put down, and the research the author put in was very impressive. But yeah, bleak. Spoiler
  11. ranbalam

    Upcoming/Recent Shows

    So far I grabbed Ben Folds and Nick Cave tix...probably more to come.
  12. ranbalam

    Upcoming/Recent Shows

    I missed Hansard last time he came around solo, and I really want to see him any way I can. Edit: And I've seen SC twice, but it was years ago so I think I'm ready again. Right? I'm never (or, very rarely) sorry when I go to a live show.
  13. ranbalam

    Upcoming/Recent Shows

    I just perused about 6 months of upcoming concerts in my area. SO many shows I'd consider. Here's a sampling of who I'm thinking about seeing: Soul Coughing Beth Gibbons Ben Folds with the DSO Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds Bob Mould The Swell Season Thievery Corp MJ Lenderman I doubt I'll go to...
  14. ranbalam

    Online Vinyl Deals

    I might bite on this... 20 for $35 Grab Bag Grab Bag Includes 20 random Classical Records hand selected by members of the Vinyl Vault Staff...
  15. ranbalam

    January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

    January 22: Kyber Crystals – Play something that was hard to find. A few years ago I finally found an OG of this, but it has a skip, so I'm spinning the reissue.
  16. ranbalam

    January Challenge - The Music Awakens…

    That cover art!
  17. ranbalam

    Pre-Order Thread

    Ok, just did it. Phew. I don't like fighting.
  18. ranbalam

    The football thread RenegadeMonster is looking for: NFL talk

    Maybe it was a timing thing, as Glenn hadn't officially left yet when Williams took the job.
  19. ranbalam

    Pre-Order Thread

    Seems really cool, I got on the waitlist.
  20. ranbalam

    Pre-Order Thread

    I saw that in the archive! I've been streaming that a ton, one of my favorite new-to-me discoveries.