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  1. displayname

    Step Up Transformers - SUT Thread

    Per usual I'm finding myself distracted, away from my stereo and wondering about various system possibilities. I've started to give more thought to the world of Step Up Transformers, aka an SUT. I know I've seen posts from @SnowmaNick @Joe Mac and @HiFi Guy discussing SUTs at various points. As...
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    Help me decide what to save for!

    Constantly distracted while saving for new gear. So many ideas. So many shiny things. So many distractions. So what do I do? I turn to all of you kind folks to help me decide what I should focus on first. I'm still several months out from any of this happening. Longer if life gets in the way...
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    Tonearm Cable vs Grounded Interconnect?

    I think I know the answer here, but I wanted to get some insights from the community. I’m looking at starting to re-cable my system, and I’m considering finally going full loom (except power cables). In the process, and interesting option came up. Don’t get hung up on the company or model. I...
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    What music should I play: audiophile event

    I’m a member of a local audiophile club, and I’ll be hosting and showcasing my system next month. I plan to play 5 tracks for my showcase, but only 1 on vinyl. I’m torn on what that one should be, so I wanted to open it up for discussion and ideas. So for the short list includes Daft Punk, The...
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    Anyone going to Southwest Audio Fest this weekend?

    Anyone else going? Just year for a new show, excited to have it in DFW. I’ll share some pics at some point.
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    Anyone had a pressing take your cart four wheeling?

    This is a new one for me. Played through, but hopefully it’s not too late for a replacement.
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    Talking Heads: Stop Making Sense vinyl reissue

    I kicked myself for missing the last reissue on this. I don’t love the new artwork because the original cover is so iconic to me, but I didn’t want to hesitate and miss it again. Been waiting on this for awhile, and very excited for it to come in...
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    Releases That Are Getting Out of Hand

    We’ve seen some wild vinyl releases, and I thought this would be a fun place to share ones that are really pushing the limit and generally getting out of hand. I’m not talking about box sets with 45 minutes of music and a mountain of merch for $300. Here I’d like to focus on the weird and the...
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    Releases That Are Getting Out of Hand

    We’ve seen some wild vinyl releases, and I thought this would be a fun place to share ones that are really pushing the limit and generally getting out of hand. I’m not talking about box sets with 45 minutes of music and a mountain of merch for $300. Here I’d like to focus on the weird and the...
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    Room Treatments and Speaker Placement

    This is hardware adjacent, but I'm thinking it might be a fun discussion to share learnings and resources people find. I've now had a few systems in a few rooms over the years, and I've been lucky enough to hear the same model of speakers sound amazing and blah in different rooms. For nearly a...
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    Mechanical Grounding - My Experience with this Tweak

    I'll start by acknowledging that this will immediately fall into the category of snake oil for a lot of people. I'm not going to deny that. Honestly, even after reading about it, the science of why this tweak works still doesn't really make sense to me. I went in skeptical, but walked away...
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    Should you insure your collection and system?

    We've been having a discussion on another thread about if or when it makes sense to insure your system and collection. We'd love to hear from people who are considering policies, and what others who are already covered. How is your policy structured? Separate, or rolled into your insure? At...
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    Gear Tests Playlists and Test Albums

    I was considering posting this thread in the music section, but to help keep it gear focused I thought it might fit better in the hardware threads. I don't recall seeing one of these threads, and it sounded like fun. Mods - feel free to move/merge it if you think it's better suited elsewhere...
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    Which RCM would you get?

    Which of these would you get, and why? VPI is obviously the most tried and true Pro-ject looks intelligently designed Okki Nokki seems to have checked every design feature box, but it's in pre-order and will take awhile to get (projected fall 2020 pending COVID) My gut is telling me one...
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    Two turntables and a microphone - The Beck Thread

    I did a couple searches, and I was surprised we didn't have a Beck thread going already. If we do have one and I missed it, we can ask mods to merge it or delete one. Now on to the fun stuff... With Hyperspace out today I thought it was fitting that we had a place to talk all things Beck! He's...
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    AnalogPlanet Tours GZ Media

    I haven’t watched this yet, but it’s was worth sharing based on the title alone.
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    Schiit Sol

    Figured the community here would have interest in this if you haven't heard alredy - the Schiit Sol is finally on the market. Schiit Audio, Headphone amps and DACs made in USA. Curious to see reviews as it starts to get out into the market and people get first impressions at RMAF.
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    VMP + Linn "The Playlist" - Event Review

    I was lucky enough to attend the VMP + Linn event that took place in Dallas this past week, and I wanted to share the experience with everyone. I realized after the event I didn't even take a photo of the system... rookie mistake! First and foremost, this was an excellent event and if you have...
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    Suggestion: ability to add images to private messages

    Not sure if this is difficult or feasible, but it would be cool to upload a pic directly to a private message just like uploading one to a thread. I totally understand the limitations and desires to avoid this, but I wanted to toss it out there. I love you all!
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    Cables - one of the most taboo subjects in audio

    Let's talk cables! But first, I want to suggest a few ground rules. I know cables can be a touchy topic, so I don't want to create hundreds of pages discussion measurements, theories, or the like. That information can be found flooding several other audio forums around the web. Let's try to...