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  1. Turbo

    New Music - The Canadian content (CANCON) edition

    I've been meaning to make this thread for a few weeks. This is where you post new albums by Canadian artists that you think we should check out. Increase our exposure to Canadian music, because, you know, reasons. So what's new that we should check out by Canadian artists? Might as well go back...
  2. Turbo

    The Return of The Mixtape - the September 2024 Spin Challenge!

    This month is all about cassette tapes and mixes. Each day features a quirk of the medium. The usual rules apply… and my bonus challenge from December 2022 makes a comeback! So it’s time for the Awesome Mixtape Vol. 2! OPTIONAL BONUS FINAL CHALLENGE Create your mixtape along the way and share...
  3. Turbo

    Strange Musical Tales: The September 2023 Vinyl Spin Challenge Thread

    The theme for this month is cosmic horror! Each day features a story related to the genre. I added a link to the work in question if you’re interested in checking it out. The challenges are tentacular! There are multiple options for each challenge. You can elect to complete one, or more, with...
  4. Turbo

    December 2022 Vinyl Spin Challenge: The Intergalactic Mixtape Dance-Off!

    Join us for the month & spin some records from your collection. Everyone is welcome! The usual rules: This is not a competition. Interpret each daily challenge as you wish. Be creative and stretch the prompt to fit something in your collection as you need. Feel free to share a story related to...
  5. Turbo

    Running-in new speakers?

    Do you guys run-in new speakers? Or do you just slowly break them in by normal use? I ran-in my Mordaunt-Shorts when I first got them over 10 years ago. I guess it might have helped speed the breaking in process a little but it's hard to say if it wasn't in my mind.
  6. Turbo

    September 2021 Vinyl Spin Challenge Thread: This Thread. This Thread Is The Place. The Place Where Everything. Everything Always Happens.

    September 2021 Vinyl Spin Challenge Thread Join us for the month, spin some records from your collection, discover new music, share stories and have fun. The usual rules: -This is not a competition. -Interpret each theme as you wish. Be creative and stretch it to fit something in your...
  7. Turbo

    Music in French?

    I added a few French and Quebecois records in the last month and it made me realize that I really should expand that part of my collection a little. What are your essential French language albums?
  8. Turbo

    The "How good is this pressing?"/"What's the best/a decent pressing of this album?" thread

    There doesn't seem to be any good place to ask these questions so I thought it would be a good idea to create a specific place for them. This is as a complement for the "Definitive Audiophile pressings" thread where you'll find discussions on the best of the best...
  9. Turbo

    The Technics Turntable Fan Club - Questions, Advice, Discussion

    This is just like the Pro-Ject thread but for people with Technics turntables. Since there's a bunch of us here, I thought we should have our own thread. That said, since nobody has started one in all this time, I suppose that may mean we have comparatively less issues with our turntable...
  10. Turbo

    The Colemine Records rabbit hole

    So I know many of you are big fans of Colemine records. I'm just starting down the rabbit hole myself and thought you guys might help me continue. I have the Durand Jones from VMP. I finally succeeded in tracking down a Soul Slabs Vol. 2 box from RSD - that should arrive tomorrow if tracking is...
  11. Turbo

    Run Out Groove

    Just got my notification that Cher's "Jackson Highway" is on its way. Very much looking forward to that.