Search results

  1. Russ I

    What a Tale My Thoughts Could Tell

    I’ll spare the details of how after 40+ years of collecting and holding on to lots and lots of vinyl, the feeling’s gone and I just can’t get it back. Took some months to come to grips with that reality, and then some planning, all of which has led to 60+ boxes of (mine-no-more) records now...
  2. Russ I

    RIP David Crosby

    Sad news, though I know he wasn't universally liked. Heck of a lot of great music out there with his name on it.
  3. Russ I

    Isn't it Ironic: The OG Thread

    Oh, how the pendulum swings. It seems that among the ripples caused by the recent MoFi bomb is recognition of the potential for original pressings, from the time before digital, being sources of high-quality (and, of course, all-analog) listening experiences. What a fucking novel idea, and what...
  4. Russ I

    The Harbeth Thread

    It's been fun to follow the Wharfedale Linton thread and great to see the way owners of these speakers compare notes, offer advice, and encourage others who are thinking about exploring the Lintons. I'm a Harbeth owner (C7ES-3's) and haven't seen much discussion about this brand. Wouldn't mind...
  5. Russ I

    The 'I Did a Thing' Thread

    These little confessions seem to crop up in various threads and I thought it might be fun to have a place where they can congregate. My most recent purchase that felt a bit guilty was from Record City Japan, where I found some jazz albums, mostly in the $40-50 range, that for some reason I...
  6. Russ I

    Something More Than Blue: The Joni Mitchell Thread

    Now that Joni Mitchell is fully out of her shell and happily sharing her archives with eager listeners, with multiple archive releases accompanying album box sets from each era, mastering variations, and the various and sundry questions/reactions that accompany all of it, this seems like a good...
  7. Russ I

    How to Find Where a Member's Posts Reside?

    Frequently when I search within N&G, I come upon posts from members where there is no indication of which thread the post resides. How do I find such posts in situ? Like this one: And this one: They're listed as "Profile" posts, which suggests there's a whole 'nother dimension to this...
  8. Russ I

    We Need an App!

    [There isn't an 'Audio Software' discussion forum, so I'm posting this here.] I was cleaning a batch of records today, working through a pile that had been mounting of late. One of the records was a new Simon & Garfunkel Bookends album. And as I picked this thing up to take out the record, I'm...
  9. Russ I

    James Taylor

    I don’t expect this to be a popular thread :D. But I can’t help but wonder why James Taylor’s name/music never seems to come up when folks discuss great singer-songwriters from the late 60’s-early 70’s era. I can’t say I care much for the direction Taylor’s career took beyond his earliest stuff...
  10. Russ I

    It's Been a Year

    It was a year ago today that I officially joined the N&G community. Seems longer, but maybe that’s because I lurked for a short while before reaching the point where I just had to participate in some of the ongoing conversations. And, obviously, the full year has been encompassed by the...
  11. Russ I

    First Concert?

    I was listening to Traffic’s John Barleycorn Must Die and thinking back to my first concert experience, and thought it might be fun to hear from others about the first time you went to a live show. I’ve looked this up to verify the date. My first concert was Traffic in 1972 at the Long Island...
  12. Russ I

    Clearaudio Concept

    I haven't seen any threads devoted to the Clearaudio Concept and would like to hear from any of you who have direct experience with this turntable. I'm looking at a Concept wood with Satisfy tonearm and Maestro v2 MM cartridge. My current tables are all vintage specimens. My go-to is a Dual...
  13. Russ I

    We Are Busy Bodies

    There's a small record label in Canada that's been putting out some interesting stuff, mostly represses as far as I can tell. Recently, they announced "a short-run white label subscription single series for 2021." You can learn more about it here: Pre-Order: We Are Busy Bodies 2021 Single...
  14. Russ I

    Shipping Alert: The N&G Experience

    I joined here back in April of this year, and since that time, increasingly, I receive occasional emails that surprise me with their alerts of an album being shipped that I have absolutely no recollection of ordering, sometimes even from vendors I would swear I've never heard of. Today it was...
  15. Russ I

    Inserting Photos?

    I don't seem to have the option for inserting photos into my posts the way that option typically appears at the bottom of the posting box.
  16. Russ I

    Is it Possible to Un-Watch a Thread?

    I'm trying to figure out how to stop receiving an email every time someone posts to a thread I've posted to. I've unchecked just about every 'email' and 'alert' box in my preferences, and I'm still receiving emails for the few threads on the General Music & Vinyl forum that are marked with a...