Search results

  1. tvham

    Vincent PHO-700 Phono Stage clicking on and off

    Here's a weird one for the group - my Vincent PHO-700 Phono Stage will random click on and off (power light and tube are still lit up) from time to time. Sometimes I'll manually power it off then back on again and it will work just fine, other times it will click back on before I can even toggle...
  2. tvham

    Photos of where you live

    Since we are a worldwide forum I thought it would be fun to post pics of where you currently live (or your hometown, I'm not picky) I live in San Francisco, I took this yesterday on my walk home from work.
  3. tvham

    Would you rather - R.E.M. vs Talking Heads edition

    Last night the original lineup of R.E.M. performed a song together for the first time in 15 years. Over the past year or so Talking Heads have been all over the place supporting the rerelease of Stop Making Sense (though only in interviews, no performances) My question is - which band's...
  4. tvham

    Fresh Grabs - Holiday Edition!

    Let's show off our vinyl related holiday gifts! My brother got me these Metallica fan club 12" set to match the 7" set he got me last year.
  5. tvham

    Smoky Records

    I purchased a couple of 80's records from a Discogs seller that look pristine but reek of cigarette smoke. A couple of passes through the Humminguru seems to have helped but the sleeves still smell. I found a video on youtube that recommended airing them out over a fan so I've been working with...
  6. tvham

    Is my needle bent? Dirty? Both??

    I've noticed a lot more cracks and pops lately while playing records. Normally this wouldn't be surprising but I've been cleaning all my records with my Humminguru and initially everything was dead silent, this just started a week or so ago. I'm wondering if my stylus might be bent, or full of...
  7. tvham

    Vincent Pho 700 setup

    Kind of a dumb question but is there any potential long term damage by having the preamp sitting on top of the power supply? (see pic) I have room to have each on either side of my integrated amplifier but honestly prefer the look of them stacked. Thanks!
  8. tvham

    Turntable died - to repair or replace?

    Last week my 4.5 year old Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Esprit SB went from spinning perfectly fine to slowing WAY down (like 33 seems to be spinning at like 20, and 45 at like 30) I swapped out the belt and lubed the subplatter but that didn't work so I took it to a local turntable expert recommended...
  9. tvham

    (Northern) California knows how to party

    Where are all my Bay Area peeps?
  10. tvham

    Random Acts of (vinyl) Kindness

    I started a similar thread a few weeks before the old place burned to the ground...let's get it going again. Here's a place for you to shout out someone who hooked you up with one of your white whales at cost, or PIF'd you an amazing, long out of print VMP album, or hooked you up on RSD because...