Search results

  1. AnthonyI

    Turntable more expensive than the cart VS Cart more expensive than the turntable

    Right off the bat, my disclaimer that I don't think cost reflects quality, there are "bang for your buck" products and ultimately it's up to you. That said, I watched a YouTube video where they strapped a $17k cart on a $1300 TT to "prove" it sounded great. Then made the comment that what you...
  2. AnthonyI

    Denafrips Ares II opinions needed

    Hey all, wasn't actively looking for a DAC, but came across an opportunity to pick up a Ares II at a really good price. I've got a Schiit Modi Multibit 2 connected to my transport and it's fine, my CD listening isn't overtaking my vinyl listening at this point, but, I'm never one to pass on a...
  3. AnthonyI

    Rolling Stone - The 200 Greatest Singers of All Time

    I'm struggling with this............"Singers". While everyone on this list is a great artist, am I alone in not really qualifying some of these as "Great Singers"? Not to mention some voices nowhere to be found on the list. It is RS and I've had a love/hate relationship with their journalism...
  4. AnthonyI

    Your Collection - By the numbers 2023

    Seems enough people were interested in this post, so we'll keep it going for the new year. Here's a link to the original thread if you need to look back at if for any reason. So, as per last year, this will be a running tally of your collection, submit your "starting" stats as below or however...
  5. AnthonyI

    Female Guitarist/Performers you should know.

    I was looking over my want list and with the "top 50 artist" thread still fresh on my mind, noticed quite a few ladies on it. So let's spread the love and open some eyes/ears to some amazing female guitarists. Some of you may recognize some of these ladies, but on the outside chance some need a...
  6. AnthonyI

    20 Year Challenge

    Morning all, this was inspired by a friend of mine and it was fun, revealing and for me, as bad as I've felt about numerous things as of late, this made me feel better, lol. Who's game? 2002 vs 2022
  7. AnthonyI

    Your Collection - By the numbers 2022

    As requested from the 2021 thread, we'll give this a try in a slightly different manner, inspired by @Lee Newman's suggestion. This will be a running tally of your collection, submit your "starting" stats as below and I'll add them to the main post and update them as you post your updates*. You...
  8. AnthonyI

    Your Collection - By the numbers 2021

    Around this time of the year I start looking at my buying habits for the year, have I curbed my spending, have I purged the collection, do I need to look at everything again. Everyone has their own way of sorting things out in their head to see if it's time for an intervention or not, this isn't...
  9. AnthonyI

    NOT the Definitive Audiophile pressing, but the really, really nice pressing thread.

    I love the Definitive Audiophile pressing thread, its a boat load of information and testing ground as members pick up said pressings and share their opinions. Unfortunately not all albums get a AAA audiophile release, or are mastered by "Boom Boom", but that doesn't mean there aren't very good...
  10. AnthonyI

    How many albums is enough albums in a collection?

    @Joe Mac touched on this in a different thread and I wanted to respond but felt it would take that thread way off topic, so, here's something new to talk about. There are all sorts of sides to this discussion, time, money, practicality and so on. My answer, "I don't know". I always seem to find...
  11. AnthonyI


    No, not discography, what other vinyl collections do you have going? Are you trying to grab all 6 In through the Out Door jacket variants? Every variant of Black Pumas? I think you get the gist. These "side" collections are most times our little driving force in the hobby beyond just picking up...
  12. AnthonyI

    2020 in Review - The Album Edition

    Hey all, 2020 has been crazy, but musically I think it's been fantastic. Coming from someone who doesn't buy a lot of "New" releases that's saying something. So a quick and simple "vinyl" highlights in review. Most played of 2020 - Taylor Swift ‎– Folklore This one really surprised me, I'm not...
  13. AnthonyI

    What's your 2021 "Gear" resolution?

    Having a vinyl New Years resolution is kind of like having getting in shape and eating better as your usual resolution, we all start off strong and it goes by the way side, lol. Just a twist on that, I think most of us have something we want to change, improve or replace in our systems, maybe...
  14. AnthonyI

    MONO Bypass fun :)

    I may be stretching the abilities of my amp here, but can't really determine anything solid from A) The Manual and B) The your up :) So, looking at the back of my NAD, I'm wondering if it's possible to set up the "B Speakers" for a mono signal, the amp has a MONO bypass...
  15. AnthonyI

    2020 Hobby New Years resolution

    So what's the plan for the New year? Buy more, buy less, buy wiser, system upgrades, throwing in the towel, lol Let's here them goals :) Mine, more crate digging and brick and mortar shopping, moving away from internet shopping as much as possible. Equipment wise, only one thing on the radar...
  16. AnthonyI

    Your top 5 Member Recommended Albums

    One of the best parts about the community, at the old "building" and now here, are the amazing albums you get to know and love by a members mention, comment or recommendation. So give me your top 5-ish member pick-ups. Albums you probably would have never thought of or discovered if it wasn't...
  17. AnthonyI

    82 years young, the "Whip Cream" girl from an iconic album cover.
  18. AnthonyI

    Best album stand EVER!

    I know it's a little thing, but even the little things are important. I've passed on so many album stands for various reasons, mostly that they're poorly made, can't hold anything too heavy and so on. Well, I found this one on Amazon, and it's fantastic, heave stainless steel, rubber mat on the...
  19. AnthonyI

    Abbey Road 50th Ann. release announced

    Looks like Sept. 26th in the states. Found some info here
  20. AnthonyI

    Remember that first time?

    Do you? Do you remember what the very first vinyl album you bought was? I inherited a lot of music from my mom, but the very first vinyl album I bought was a 45 from my local Ben Franklin, Queen, We are the Champions with We will Rock You on the B-Side in 1977. $.99 plus tax :) What vinyl...