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  1. Bull Shannon

    Everything Video Games!

    It works for gameplay-focused games, arcade-like games or my favorite: the soulsbourne games. I enjoy listening to a podcast during those. I've pivoted towards listening to a record while I play Witcher, though.
  2. Bull Shannon

    Everything Video Games!

    Jumped into The Witcher 3 for the first time since my initial playthrough; last time I stalled out on the DLC but that maybe was due to the gap between my playthrough and that DLC becoming available. Being an utter weirdo, I don't play games with their sound, which makes a story-forward game...
  3. Bull Shannon


    Definitely an alarmist headline going around. I am curious how long a VHS tape is usable (google says they degrade 10-20% in 10-25 years, thanks google?), but nothing lasts forever. There's a point to be made about studios preserving prints/negatives and the continuation of physical media...
  4. Bull Shannon


    It’s pretty dark, imo. There’s certainly a lot more far-out stuff there, but I think Villeneuve’s done a good job of weaving the alien and alienating with familiar blockbuster pacing.
  5. Bull Shannon


    Also seems very cart-horse; most Best Picture winners made a lot of money because of the accolades. Very few Best Picture winners could be pointed to as "blockbusters," and their financial success could be laid at the feet of a long release schedule which was prolonged by people ticking boxes on...
  6. Bull Shannon


    I watched ~2/3 of it while making turnovers Saturday night. It's, uh, not very good. Takes a lot of big swings which deserve some love and credit, however I'd point to Annette as a musical which takes similar swings which actually connect. I don't know if I'd call it flat-out offensive so much...
  7. Bull Shannon


    Hulu just cut off the stream 😭
  8. Bull Shannon

    Home Improvement Thread 2: Electric Redo the Loo

    Got ‘em: held a block against the frame and tapped it with a rubber mallet. Thank you for your moral support in this tough time. 🙏
  9. Bull Shannon

    Home Improvement Thread 2: Electric Redo the Loo

    Quick update: I had a similarly stuck window on the first floor, checked it from the outside, and it seems the window is stuck to the runner; I didn’t paint them since closing them, but they’re stuck as though they had been painted. Gotta figure how to shimmy the upstairs one to unstuck without...
  10. Bull Shannon

    Home Improvement Thread 2: Electric Redo the Loo

    I’m losing my mind trying to get my bedroom windows open as the weather gets warmer. House was built in the mid-50s; I’m having trouble finding info on how windows like these work, or how to fix them. What seems to happen is the wood frame has grooves on the sides which slide up metal...
  11. Bull Shannon


    I'm a sucker for clips! Show me what I loved about the movies I saw! Show me why I need to see the stuff I haven't seen!
  12. Bull Shannon


    I'm feeling about the same. Making art competitive is always going to be a foolish endeavor, but we've been seeing some real interesting (and mostly worthy) choices from the Academy since the expansion. The ceremony's always going to be a little weird, there are always going to be questionable...
  13. Bull Shannon


    1977 was before my time, but does seeing all the OT Special Editions count?
  14. Bull Shannon

    Neil Young

    Lawn's $90, cheapest reservable is around $120
  15. Bull Shannon

    Neil Young

    Not sure what the protocol/kayfabe is but check your dms!
  16. Bull Shannon

    Neil Young

    Damn these prices are dear ($230 for GA Floor, ~$120 for GA lawn; I opted for a $150 reserved seat), but damned if I'm not hurting from him dropping out last year. Saw him at the same venue in Bend in '23, I'm sure it'll be worth it, though I'd rather be seeing the Horse.
  17. Bull Shannon

    2025 Reading Challenge

    Also, a heads up to kindle owners/users (my days with one are surely numbered), they're removing the ability to download and manually back up your purchases: I've already had it with them stripping all my...
  18. Bull Shannon

    2025 Reading Challenge

    Oh, and Ishiguro rules; I'd recommend Never Let Me Go or Remains of the Day. I loved Klara and the Sun (though it retreads ground familiar from Let Me Go and is a bit less successful with it); I could not get through The Buried Giant.
  19. Bull Shannon

    2025 Reading Challenge

    I've read 4 Pynchon books and have yet to finish a one (eta: this wasn't for lack of enjoyment so much as I'd hit a wall of confusion and realize I didn't have my hands around what I was reading); I picked up Vineland the other week so we'll see if I'm 0 for 5. On the other hand, I've read all...
  20. Bull Shannon

    2025 Reading Challenge

    Book 3: My Brilliant Friend, by Elena Ferrante I managed to go without hearing of this book until a couple months ago, when the Times published their list of the 100 best books of the century so far; this one headed the list with what seems to be unanimous praise. And I’d say it lives up to...