Search results

  1. Russ I

    Vinyl Storage Recommendation

    Yeah, 84” tall. I went with a 36” and a 30” wide that I put side-by-side.
  2. Russ I

    New Music Friday!

    Definitely a great song. Her phrasing really engages me. I'm currently obsessed with the first two cuts off her new album, 'Birdseeds' and 'Backyard Lover.' Really great stuff, and maybe it's weird, but I'd say if you like MJ Lenderman, you'd really enjoy Merce Lemon.
  3. Russ I

    The 'I Did a Thing' Thread

    I hope it works out for you.
  4. Russ I

    Would you sell it all for the high discogs value???

    Oh, okay that makes sense, just hadn't seen it stated anywhere. My sale is a work in progress that I'm very happy with so far.
  5. Russ I

    Would you sell it all for the high discogs value???

    I'm a bit lost. What's the only way to get that kind of money?
  6. Russ I

    What a Tale My Thoughts Could Tell

    Not stupid at all, and not easy to answer. I'm still into music, very much so, but not in a sit-down-and-give-yourself-fully kind of way. One of my goals with culling so severely is to again find the passion I have had for listening to vinyl. Put another way, I'm not ready to give up on my sound...
  7. Russ I

    What a Tale My Thoughts Could Tell

    Couldn't agree more about the weight of them, literally for sure, but figuratively even more so. That weight is lifted, which is a relief. And now I have to do the same with all the unnecessary vintage stereo equipment I've hoarded over the years...
  8. Russ I

    What a Tale My Thoughts Could Tell

    Ha! We should give ours away :D. They've seen better days, but they sure do serve a purpose.
  9. Russ I

    What a Tale My Thoughts Could Tell

    I’ll spare the details of how after 40+ years of collecting and holding on to lots and lots of vinyl, the feeling’s gone and I just can’t get it back. Took some months to come to grips with that reality, and then some planning, all of which has led to 60+ boxes of (mine-no-more) records now...
  10. Russ I

    The 'I Did a Thing' Thread

    In my experience they arrive surprisingly fast. Like 3 days fast on some occasions. So I'd say you're in the 'any day now' range.
  11. Russ I

    Wilco (The Thread)
  12. Russ I

    Nerd Harder: The Collection Analytics Thread

    The importance of proper capitalization, aptly demonstrated.
  13. Russ I

    The Good Ol' Grateful Thread

    Feelin' it
  14. Russ I

    Show some spine!

    Damn. That's terrific! Would never have guessed it was a drawing.
  15. Russ I

    Show some spine!

    From the Psych Rock shelves: And some non-audiophile jazz
  16. Russ I

    Bandbox: an uncompensated review of an interesting new club

    Just got it. No download code, right?
  17. Russ I

    Fresh Grabs

    Here you go--think this captures the spirit: The Crate Digging & Bargain Bin Finds Thread
  18. Russ I

    Bandbox: an uncompensated review of an interesting new club

    Same. Kind of amazing....
  19. Russ I

    Online Vinyl Deals

    Blix Street does a really nice job with her stuff. I have the 7 LP version of this (Nightbird) and it's top-notch.
  20. Russ I

    Pre-Order Thread

    That's wild.