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  1. Rowan

    2025 Reading Challenge

    Book Seven Ok so this is good. In fact it’s really good. Tells a narrative about a young couple who move to Berlin over a 10 ish year period (in under 120 pages). When I read the synopsis I thought the characters could potentially be quite grinding but the book is a solid narrative with no...
  2. Rowan

    Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

    Took them three weeks to refund my last lot
  3. Rowan

    Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

    It’s crazy isn’t it 😂 If the VMP company bylaws allow the person who is subject to a commercial proposal to cast the tie breaking vote on whether the commercial proposal actually proceeds then they deserve the absolute fleecing Cam allegedly gave them.
  4. Rowan

    Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

    The top bit is the bit that has always confused me. What were they actually voting on? Because it's to either open a plant or not. And why were there not declarations of interest as part of that? Even if it was just to use the plant (as an outside entity) that should have been subject to...
  5. Rowan

    2025 Reading Challenge

    Book six Felt almost destined to never read this having lost 3 copies previously without actually cracking it open (one loaned to a friend on holiday who then took it home with him, one left in an airport lounge, one in a bag that got pinched off a bus). Having blasted through it I’m not sure...
  6. Rowan

    2025 Reading Challenge

    I’ve been picking them up gradually from my local to replace my old paperbacks. They look even nicer in whatever the book equivalent to flesh is.
  7. Rowan

    2025 Reading Challenge

    Have you seen the Vintage Editions Murikami represses? Handsome jackets on them!
  8. Rowan

    Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

    Speaking of which… has Nathan been binned off too or did their cost cutting exercise not extend to sending free records to Australia?
  9. Rowan

    2025 Reading Challenge

    This is pretty bang on. You look at the first chapter and its soldiers growing bananas in London and you kinda think it’s going to be a laugh but you get to the second and quickly realise it’s absolutely not. One of my mates once described Pynchon to me as ‘James Joyce if he’s left the last...
  10. Rowan

    2025 Reading Challenge

    There’s that line that the reason the Pulitzer for literature wasn’t given out the year Gravity’s Rainbow was released was because all of the committee knew the award should go to Pynchon but none of them could actually make it all the way through the book.
  11. Rowan

    2025 Reading Challenge

    4,3,2,1 from Auster. It’s a big book but well worth it. Never Let Me Go is probably Ishiguro’s best (although he’s one of those where it’s difficult to pick a bad book). But When We Were Orphans is my favourite of his. The one I couldn’t get on with was The Buried Giant. The rest… great. And...
  12. Rowan

    2025 Reading Challenge

    Book Five Been picking away at this for a few weeks and finally finished after buying it and leaving it on the shelf about 2 years ago. I’ve read Dangers of Smoking In Bed and Things We Lost In The Fire so was interested to know how Enriquez would carry into long form… and this is long! 700...
  13. Rowan

    Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

    A decision made even more mental by Aerial Ballet, Nilsson Sings Newman and Schmillson all being store exclusives. They had the access but clearly didn’t have the readies to do a deal that wasn’t a stinker. Pussycats at 500/ 1000 copies in the store would still be sitting there now. Nilsson...
  14. Rowan

    Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

    What swung it for me was when I was streaming them all to see how much I still wanted them and how much I would play them… only to realise at that moment that I actually have access to listen to them whenever I want anyway so don’t need to run the risk of VMP going down the toilet snd taking my...
  15. Rowan

    Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

    I finally got fed up and cancelled my pre-orders. Got an email a few days back saying they’d sort and it would be done in the next 30 days!!! How the mighty have fallen
  16. Rowan

    Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

    Yup. Storf got a bit too cute with that one and ended up properly shitting the bed. The endless risks of only curating for yourself
  17. Rowan

    2025 Reading Challenge

    Book 4 - Living Things - Munir Hachemi Considering this was about 100 pages long it took a bit of edgier to get through (eventually polished it off in an airport after a running out of episodes of a brilliant podcast about Winds of Change by the Scorpians). I think I was seduced by...
  18. Rowan

    Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

    That’s my issue. I’m kinda curious about the Abdul Malik and Teo albums but not $45 plus shipping curious. If they were in a shop in the uk I’d walk straight past without an issue. The only things I’m remotely interested in are the broadcasts… which I already have on CD anyway
  19. Rowan

    Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

    They don't have anything of note now though. At least not if you were a member for a bit of a stretch prior to The Great Bin Off of 2024. I went to cancel my Nonesuch orders the other night but as most was in credit thought I'd see if there was actually anything I'd take. As the Broadcasts...
  20. Rowan

    Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

    Well doesn’t that suck.