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  1. Bsdmr2

    Pre-Order Thread

    Tone Poet Society now open to international members too. Temptation!
  2. Bsdmr2

    What's Spinning

    After the chat in the online vinyl sales thread, it inspired me to dig this out.
  3. Bsdmr2

    What's Spinning

    Frank Turner - Love, Ire and Song - 10th anniversary edition
  4. Bsdmr2

    What's Spinning

    Sunday spin whilst working. Thinking of a place - such a brilliant song.
  5. Bsdmr2

    Record Store Day 2025

    Interesting list this year. I like the look of: Tribe The Coral Frank Turner Mark Knopfler Soul Slabs But I likely won't be joining the masses in the Rough Trade Nottingham line, so I'll wait for later in the day, or when they go online later that week. One of my work colleagues will be...
  6. Bsdmr2

    Incoming! The New Equipment Thread

    The later for sure. I’m very lucky to only be 40 minutes away from arguably the best LP12 specialist in the UK, so I’d never dream of doing anything on it myself. The modular approach to LP12 improvement is great, and with a good dealer you can test pretty much every option and combination to...
  7. Bsdmr2

    Incoming! The New Equipment Thread

    Where’s the LP12?! 😉
  8. Bsdmr2

    Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

    Focal Scala Utopia is the modern version of these. Similar looks. They also now do an active pair.
  9. Bsdmr2

    Let's See What Makes Your Vinyl Spin!

    Looks great!
  10. Bsdmr2

    The Dark Side; Digital audio equipment recommendations and setup.

    I’m likely going for an Innuos Zen MKIII, so we shall see. Outside of a better power cable I’ve not done anything to the Node. I did look at power supply upgrades but a bit more of a faff than I’d like.
  11. Bsdmr2

    Let's See What Makes Your Vinyl Spin!

    I’ve been. It’s in Shibuya in Tokyo. The Music Bar. Here you go.
  12. Bsdmr2

    The Dark Side; Digital audio equipment recommendations and setup.

    Now no brighter than the rest of the lights on the rack.
  13. Bsdmr2

    The Dark Side; Digital audio equipment recommendations and setup.

    I’ve dimmed the LEDs too now, so not as laser bright as out of the box. 😮‍💨
  14. Bsdmr2

    The Dark Side; Digital audio equipment recommendations and setup.

    That one! 2021 Node, so N130. Fortunately, USB out into Qutest working very nicely. Streaming will always be very much second fiddle to my vinyl set-up, but it’s great for background listening, for the kids and for Radio Paradise.
  15. Bsdmr2

    The Dark Side; Digital audio equipment recommendations and setup.

    The one in the Node. 👍🏻
  16. Bsdmr2

    The Dark Side; Digital audio equipment recommendations and setup.

    So far so good. It's warming up and will have a decent listen over the weekend. The main thing is it now opens up possibilities on changing the Node to a better streaming transport in the future. The small footprint is very handy.
  17. Bsdmr2

    The Dark Side; Digital audio equipment recommendations and setup.

    Thanks. It's an Atacama Evoque 60-40 SE. They only do the SE2 now with the curved sides, but as I'm already a customer they will still make new shelves for me on the older design when needed, which is great as I was able to buy two more at the end of the year...
  18. Bsdmr2

    The Dark Side; Digital audio equipment recommendations and setup.

    New lights have arrived.
  19. Bsdmr2

    The Dark Side; Digital audio equipment recommendations and setup.

    Well, I’ve pressed the order button today so we’ll see what it’s like!
  20. Bsdmr2

    What's Spinning

    Dexter Gordon - Gettin’ Around