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  1. Mtcvinyl

    Pre-Order Thread

    Sites are posting the new Mars Volta pre-order The Mars Volta- Lucro sucio; Los ojos del vacio (PREORDER)
  2. Mtcvinyl

    Fresh Grabs

    Wish I had known about this!! Looks like it was a limited pressing of 250! The Decoder Ring Design Concern
  3. Mtcvinyl

    Photos of where you live

    Not home, but home for the week while the snow piles up at home. Marathon, Florida Keys
  4. Mtcvinyl

    The football thread RenegadeMonster is looking for: NFL talk

    We all know it’s coming. But man would love to see just a totally ass kicking shutout of the Chiefs.
  5. Mtcvinyl

    Upcoming/Recent Shows

    Was this at MassMOCA? I waffled on getting over to this and it ended up not coming together. Hope I get to see Slowdive someday.
  6. Mtcvinyl


    The Lynch loss is crippling to my soul.
  7. Mtcvinyl

    Pre-Order Thread

    The 12”. This one.
  8. Mtcvinyl

    Pre-Order Thread

    I love the Chainsaw Kittens. Was ecstatic to find a Defenestration LP in a Plaidroom used drop a year or two ago.
  9. Mtcvinyl

    Pre-Order Thread

    I am on a no vinyl diet but my birthday is in September N&G…
  10. Mtcvinyl

    N&G Secret Santa 2024

    Cheers hope you enjoy these!
  11. Mtcvinyl

    No Buy Vinyl Support Thread

    Bought into Joyful Noise early bird again for 25 after I really dug their 24 run. Otherwise I am going to try to buckle down and go no buy for a bit. There is a realistic shot at getting my mortgage and home equity paid off this year!
  12. Mtcvinyl

    Music News / Reviews

    Run don’t walk to listen to (imho) the best post Jane’s Addiction project from any of the members. Deconstruction, Dave and Eric’s immediate post 90s Jane’s project, has never been available for streaming and out of print in any physical formats for many years. No word of a physical release but...
  13. Mtcvinyl

    The football thread RenegadeMonster is looking for: NFL talk

    And to any Lions fans here. This was a super fun game to watch. Hopefully SB rematch?
  14. Mtcvinyl

    The football thread RenegadeMonster is looking for: NFL talk

    Bills having to score 48 pts to outlast the Lions at home. I really want to go into Geha and stomp the Chiefs in the playoffs.
  15. Mtcvinyl

    Upcoming/Recent Shows

    Going to see Soul Coughing again. Kinda obsessed. Also asking my wife to take me to see Slowdive as my Christmas gift. First world problems.
  16. Mtcvinyl

    Pre-Order Thread

    Didn’t hesitate. Also new tour dates, might try to hit Rochester, NY
  17. Mtcvinyl

    The football thread RenegadeMonster is looking for: NFL talk

    Really pisses me off the Bills are stomping teams but the Chiefs keep staying in front in bullshit wins. Fuck it I want Bills V Chiefs in KC in the playoffs. I have more confidence in this team than any of the Diggs era teams.
  18. Mtcvinyl

    Record Store Day 2024

    Missed that one too but grabbed it for slightly more than I wanted on discogs.
  19. Mtcvinyl

    Record Store Day 2024

    Helmet was gone immediately at a bunch of sites I checked. Sold out at plaidroom and yellow dog in my cart. 😭
  20. Mtcvinyl

    Record Store Day 2024

    I might have missed my window but would take helmet and Scarlett. Lmk