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  1. Lek

    The Technics Turntable Fan Club - Questions, Advice, Discussion

    good question...actually it was powered off but amp was powered on...if i am not mistaken, it should be a closed circuit without a head-shell on if all is grounded...which in the test, it was. So, it should not
  2. Lek

    The Technics Turntable Fan Club - Questions, Advice, Discussion

    quick update....moved amp and turntable (both) to another room...with all hooked up no hum.....but....the technics still had that slight crackly hum with the head shell off. Technics finally said that it could be an internal issue. Sending it back for another and we will see. of note...the AT...
  3. Lek

    The Technics Turntable Fan Club - Questions, Advice, Discussion

    Yes...mine and theirs...same results. Have pulled the amp out of the rack. put in dining room, plugged in - still just putting a cable into the left RCA in produces a hum and not sure if that is normal. but when i hook up either table and ground (in dining room, same outlet), hum is
  4. Lek

    The Technics Turntable Fan Club - Questions, Advice, Discussion

    Yup...yup yup yup......guess i know what i am doing this weekend....tearing it all apart and putting it all back, bit by bit by bit......weeeeeeeeeee Guess i will take the amp for a walk first because if i can recreate that hum on the dining room table with just a turntable....that will...
  5. Lek

    The Technics Turntable Fan Club - Questions, Advice, Discussion

    yes...the table ground is attached to the amp ground. the odd thing is as soon as i plug a cable into the left line, just a loose cable, it starts....not so in the right. also, never noticed this but when all is hooked up and i touch the cable from the table to the amp you can here me moving...
  6. Lek

    The Technics Turntable Fan Club - Questions, Advice, Discussion

    ok...i am going to need some help....not exactly the right topic but still part of the problem. Put the AT table back on, kind of the same issue...though no extreme hum without a head shell on. Found the hum coming from the connection of the left line cable into the MM phono stage of the Hegel...
  7. Lek

    The Technics Turntable Fan Club - Questions, Advice, Discussion

    The table is connected directly to the amp (table does not have a preamp).... it is using the amps mm phono stage. Nothing has changed but the table. The Lokius is not connected yet.
  8. Lek

    The Technics Turntable Fan Club - Questions, Advice, Discussion

    with phones on (which is most of my listening right now)....about 47-52....not audible, but should not hum. If my $300.00 AT table did not hum....I am betting this one shouldn't. Speakers, with the Hegel, no idea as i really do not so much there...betting about the same, maybe a tad more at...
  9. Lek

    The Technics Turntable Fan Club - Questions, Advice, Discussion

    i actually have two, or will between the CD player and the amp, and bought another one to be between the turntable and the amp. I do use the one i have on the CD player a good bit as too many CD's just need a tweaking...not much of an adjustment, but some. So wanted one for the...
  10. Lek

    The Technics Turntable Fan Club - Questions, Advice, Discussion

    Welp....the table came on the 27th (SL100C)....easy to set up and ran it last night, sounded great (with my cartridge on it). Very happy stepping up from a lower end but capable AT table...and if this is the sound i get fomr htis table, will be happy for a good bit of time. was...
  11. Lek

    The Technics Turntable Fan Club - Questions, Advice, Discussion

    Yeah, went with the 100C.....was going black any way i went. Styli i have: Currently on the AT i have the VM540ML I have a VN760SLC that i needed a new stylus for as the one i had got damaged (me being dumb story) I also have a VM N 95 C and E - one came with the AT table...the other i had on...
  12. Lek

    The Technics Turntable Fan Club - Questions, Advice, Discussion

    Gotta say...too much agonizing over a turntable.... Just so hard to justify upgrading from a AT-LP120XUSB to an matter the want. Too many better ways to spend that least for now. So for will be either an SL1500 or 100C Going into it as it being a "bridge contract"...
  13. Lek

    The Technics Turntable Fan Club - Questions, Advice, Discussion

    Yeah...the whole pitch slider is just an ugly damned look...oh i might be functional but do not seriously think it is needed on a 4k+ table. I mean in '78 or so i bought and grew up with an SL1800. Had pitch variation and a clean look. Do not understand the design on the 1200's. In any...
  14. Lek

    The Technics Turntable Fan Club - Questions, Advice, Discussion

    Yeah.....whole system is black....i like the silver but...
  15. Lek

    The Technics Turntable Fan Club - Questions, Advice, Discussion

    I had seen the video...never read the review. Thanks!...that was a great read.
  16. Lek

    The Technics Turntable Fan Club - Questions, Advice, Discussion

    Never in my mind would i have thought i would consider a table more than 1k. But i am....and....I know to some degree it is silly, but for 2k+, if i do not like the way is looks despite how well it may perform, it is kinda money wasted. I am just really turned off by the whole pitch control...
  17. Lek

    The Technics Turntable Fan Club - Questions, Advice, Discussion

    I have started looking at this. It is a very nice looking table. Certainly think it is nicer than any of the technics. Just not a whole lot out there on it. Best i see that for the same price as the GR2 it seems just a tad lesser the table. Now as i have nothing for a turntable now....a...
  18. Lek

    The Technics Turntable Fan Club - Questions, Advice, Discussion

    thanks!....pretty much settled on keeping an eye out on the GR2 and the 1300g. Gonna have to find a way to justify the exztra 1k for the 1300 past i like the way it looks much more.
  19. Lek

    Pre-Order Thread

    Til the Sea shall give up her Dead - Black LP
  20. Lek

    Pre-Order Thread

    Angel - Angel 50th Anniversary STANDARD LP | Deko Entertainment