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  1. Yer Ol' Uncle D

    Pre-Order Thread

    An impressive display of unrelenting restraint.
  2. Yer Ol' Uncle D

    Damn, I miss Tom.

    Damn, I miss Tom.
  3. Yer Ol' Uncle D

    Vinyl Me, D: A Free Record Club - Year 3 Official Thread - 36 Winners - Like The First Post, You're In For 2025 - 144 Free Records Given Away So Far

    April records will ship this week. I'm ahead of schedule again so you know what that means - Plus, at the rate we're going, the rest of the world is either going to hate me or blow me up and I don't want these sweet sounds going to waste...
  4. Yer Ol' Uncle D

    March 2025 Challenge Thread - Live Music (Really) Is Better!

    Day 11: Steely Dan May 2022, North Island Amphitheater – Play something by an artist who had a release that disappointed you, or that was disappointing in concert. So there's a little twist on disappointment regarding this one. Didn't have any issue with the performance. It was the length of...
  5. Yer Ol' Uncle D

    It's all relative to the visceral, personal connection of the music. That's the beauty.

    It's all relative to the visceral, personal connection of the music. That's the beauty.
  6. Yer Ol' Uncle D

    The once and future heavyweight champion of suck - camping.

    The once and future heavyweight champion of suck - camping.
  7. Yer Ol' Uncle D

    March 2025 Challenge Thread - Live Music (Really) Is Better!

    Be thankful you got a taste. For the most part, those days are gone. There are still some bands out there that guestlist tapers if you post your recording for free sharing. A small incentive to keep quality live taping moving on down the line.
  8. Yer Ol' Uncle D

    March 2025 Challenge Thread - Live Music (Really) Is Better!

    Since live music is better, I've been focused on trying to find a live recording I made to fit every day's prompt. So far so good, but I felt compelled to dig out some stubs to post because all the cool kids are doing it. What this exercise taught me - I've been incredibly lucky to see a...
  9. Yer Ol' Uncle D

    March 2025 Challenge Thread - Live Music (Really) Is Better!

    Day 10: Simon & Garfunkel November 2023, Cox Arena – A wholly unexpected reunion tour that was fantastic. Play something by a band that has disbanded, bonus points if they did a reunion tour. Broke up 2002. Reunited 2005. Broke up 2015. Reunited 2019. ??? I've seen this band live more than any...
  10. Yer Ol' Uncle D

    Vinyl Me, D: A Free Record Club - Year 3 Official Thread - 36 Winners - Like The First Post, You're In For 2025 - 144 Free Records Given Away So Far

    Updated VMD distribution map. France has entered the chat. I need an Asian, African, Antarctician and South American winner to complete the continental cycle. Like that first post, folks. Just how wild would it be for me to send one of my weirdo records to someone in the South Pole?
  11. Yer Ol' Uncle D

    March 2025 Challenge Thread - Live Music (Really) Is Better!

    Day 9: The Cure May 2023, North Island Amphitheater – They kept it real on the last tour, keeping prices down for both tickets and merch, and putting on a spectacular set. Play something by a band that has kept the fans in mind. How many artists have threatened to withhold their new record from...
  12. Yer Ol' Uncle D

    "I think that every person, whether they play music or don't play music, has a sound - their own...

    "I think that every person, whether they play music or don't play music, has a sound - their own sound." - Ornette Coleman
  13. Yer Ol' Uncle D

    "You've got to realize. In the western world, regardless of what color you are, what title the...

    "You've got to realize. In the western world, regardless of what color you are, what title the music is, it's all played by the same notes." - Ornette Coleman
  14. Yer Ol' Uncle D

    "It's just someone has labelled us as having a different label to do what you do. I find that...

    "It's just someone has labelled us as having a different label to do what you do. I find that labels are the worst thing in the world for artistic expression." - Ornette Coleman
  15. Yer Ol' Uncle D

    "It was when I found out I could make mistakes that I knew I was on to something." - Ornette Coleman

    "It was when I found out I could make mistakes that I knew I was on to something." - Ornette Coleman
  16. Yer Ol' Uncle D

    "Jazz is the only music in which the same note can be played night after night but differently...

    "Jazz is the only music in which the same note can be played night after night but differently each time." - Ornette Coleman
  17. Yer Ol' Uncle D

    Happy birthday Ornette Coleman, born this day in 1930. Here comes an avalanche of quotes, every...

    Happy birthday Ornette Coleman, born this day in 1930. Here comes an avalanche of quotes, every one priceless...
  18. Yer Ol' Uncle D

    You're not getting off that easy - what was it?

    You're not getting off that easy - what was it?
  19. Yer Ol' Uncle D

    Vinyl Me, D: A Free Record Club - Year 3 Official Thread - 36 Winners - Like The First Post, You're In For 2025 - 144 Free Records Given Away So Far

    I obviously mistook what I thought was a conversation with @Mather for an exchange with @NIGHTMATHER. Early onset dementia is dulling my Spidey-sense.
  20. Yer Ol' Uncle D

    Vinyl Me, D: A Free Record Club - Year 3 Official Thread - 36 Winners - Like The First Post, You're In For 2025 - 144 Free Records Given Away So Far

    Flattered friendo, but nah. I'm just a guy who likes to turn y'all on to good records. There are tons of folks here who do great things for the community in all kinds of different ways every day.