2 issues: general sibilance and dished/warped record


New Member
I'm a freelance audio engineer but just got into vinyl in 2020. My goal is to pinpoint the issue, and find the most effective solution, whether it's just a simple tune-up I'm neglecting, or, to create a shopping list with what I need to buy. (& yes, I am very ready to spend if you can figure out what will fix)

Current gear:
Audio-Technica AT-LPW30TK (cosmetically blackened with india ink)
Ortofon 2M Red
Cambridge Duo Phono Preamp
Topping NX4 Headphone Amp (DAC when I need it, too)
UA Apollo Twin X (when I need to dub to digital)
Bose QC35ii (pretty flat, got it for good noise canceling)

I have some dubbed samples of what I'm hearing (I love the general sound, but I notice excessive harshness especially ~8k, S's, Crashy cymbals):

My copy of Rumours:
See pics of the warp from shipment (goes from exact flat in center to a bowl on edge):
About my dished record, the only solutions I can find (outside of baking it/record flattening services) are TT-clamping – but again, I don't know which one works.
Any specific clamp/other solution I'm missing?

About a gear-related fix for sibilance:
Reddit says the 2M Red may be sibilance prone. Would make sense this is the cause, given it is my "weakest link". If so, in your experience, what specific cartridge would I upgrade to (given my TT) to fix sibilance?

About another possible solution for sibilance & sound – unfortunately, it seems only for the UK – a better TT mat, like: Trans-Fi Audio

Any alternatives specifically toward sibilance? Got a cork mat coming to try. Or, should I throw the baby out with the bathwater & save money for upgrading (actual) gear?

Really do appreciate you pointing me in the right direction. Actually found this site from Reddit & hope to contribute in the future.
Hi! The 2M Red is definitely a bit prone to sibilance and inner groove distortion. I would double check your table's alignment, as any issues with alignment, tracking force, or even anti-skate can cause issues. Barring that, a 2M Blue Stylus is hot-swappable with the Red body and is a big upgrade on those counts.

Regarding the dish, we've got a number of people here who own Vinyl Flats and would be happy to flatten any of your records for free (+ cost of shipping). Check here: Gotta warp, these members can help. [Vinyl Flat]
I think the whooshing sound in Rumours is likely a pressing defect. I don't think flattening would solve that. Maybe others would chime in with what they think? If you get records like this from a big vendor (amazon, etc), don't be afraid to return it. Especially with the dish warp on top of that. Otherwise, you're kind of stuck (and maybe look to replace it with a good copy when you get a chance).
I think the whooshing sound in Rumours is likely a pressing defect. I don't think flattening would solve that. Maybe others would chime in with what they think? If you get records like this from a big vendor (amazon, etc), don't be afraid to return it. Especially with the dish warp on top of that. Otherwise, you're kind of stuck (and maybe look to replace it with a good copy when you get a chance).
Hey thanks for reply & that's interesting – it does look like my cart is hitting the record on the way around the warp, so I know that directly affects. Bought in used market & gonna first try the flat fixes recommended here & hope it's not pressing defect (given it's one of the best sounding 33 versions of Rumours). If you end up being right, I will shamefully admit that "you told me so" XD
Hi! The 2M Red is definitely a bit prone to sibilance and inner groove distortion. I would double check your table's alignment, as any issues with alignment, tracking force, or even anti-skate can cause issues. Barring that, a 2M Blue Stylus is hot-swappable with the Red body and is a big upgrade on those counts.

Regarding the dish, we've got a number of people here who own Vinyl Flats and would be happy to flatten any of your records for free (+ cost of shipping). Check here: Gotta warp, these members can help. [Vinyl Flat]
Hey thanks! About alignment, everything was setup using the Baerwald alignment print out online & got it nailed perfectly on the 2 spots. Is there perhaps a better alignment to try?

About cart, I almost bought the 2M Blue, but held off thinking my next upgrade would be even better than the Blue. Any recs for a cart on that front (given my TT is $300)? There are just so many options & I'm specifically looking to solve harsh upper treble.
Hey thanks! About alignment, everything was setup using the Baerwald alignment print out online & got it nailed perfectly on the 2 spots. Is there perhaps a better alignment to try?

About cart, I almost bought the 2M Blue, but held off thinking my next upgrade would be even better than the Blue. Any recs for a cart on that front (given my TT is $300)? There are just so many options & I'm specifically looking to solve harsh upper treble.
A lot of folks here like the Grado Gold, bit of a warmer, fuller signature than the somewhat lean, detail-oriented 2Ms.

If you've got your alignment under control and don't want to re-buy into Ortofon, that might be an idea.
Hey thanks! About alignment, everything was setup using the Baerwald alignment print out online & got it nailed perfectly on the 2 spots. Is there perhaps a better alignment to try?

About cart, I almost bought the 2M Blue, but held off thinking my next upgrade would be even better than the Blue. Any recs for a cart on that front (given my TT is $300)? There are just so many options & I'm specifically looking to solve harsh upper treble.

Given it's a $300 TT, I'm not sure how much you would want to spend on a cart. I used to have a Nagoaka MP110, which I really liked on my Technics 1210, not as detailed as the 2M blue but definitely a nice warm sounding cart & will likely remove any harshness. If you have a bright sounding system, I would think that the Ortofon's (definitely the 2M Blue), won't help.
Given it's a $300 TT, I'm not sure how much you would want to spend on a cart. I used to have a Nagoaka MP110, which I really liked on my Technics 1210, not as detailed as the 2M blue but definitely a nice warm sounding cart & will likely remove any harshness. If you have a bright sounding system, I would think that the Ortofon's (definitely the 2M Blue), won't help.
That makes sense about choosing cart, too.

It makes me wonder... can I do it... eek out a bit more from my TT since I buffed up a lot of the other gear.

My goal is to (eliminate as much sibilance as possible, duh) maximize my records' accuracies. Was blown away with MP-200 so much. Heard a comparison & was blown away by the MP-200 even over more expensive ones... And yeah, $500 probably is hitting dim. returns territory. But maybe – just maybe – it's the sweet spot. I think I'm gonna do it.
That makes sense about choosing cart, too.

It makes me wonder... can I do it... eek out a bit more from my TT since I buffed up a lot of the other gear.

My goal is to (eliminate as much sibilance as possible, duh) maximize my records' accuracies. Was blown away with MP-200 so much. Heard a comparison & was blown away by the MP-200 even over more expensive ones... And yeah, $500 probably is hitting dim. returns territory. But maybe – just maybe – it's the sweet spot. I think I'm gonna do it.

Moving away from the Red is a good bet to remove some harshness. Had one on my SL1210 and didn't last a month with it - it was so tiring to listen to on my set-up. I really like the sound of the Nagaoka too (had an MP110 on my table before upgrading to the Audio-Technica shibata cart I currently use). Plus there's a good chance the MP-200 would serve as a good starter cartridge when you upgrade your table (assuming you don't go super high end).
Moving away from the Red is a good bet to remove some harshness. Had one on my SL1210 and didn't last a month with it - it was so tiring to listen to on my set-up. I really like the sound of the Nagaoka too (had an MP110 on my table before upgrading to the Audio-Technica shibata cart I currently use). Plus there's a good chance the MP-200 would serve as a good starter cartridge when you upgrade your table (assuming you don't go super high end).
My thoughts exactly. To be honest, the Red was an upgrade from stock, but also has been driving me a little crazy because even after re-aligning, continues to blur the line between me having poorly pressed vinyl or just too budget-y of gear.

& I'll keep the 2M Red on a headshell in the drawer... can always swap to it if I have a crappy record I want to spin.

ALL IN FAVOR of me going MP-200, say "I".
I’ll just come in and say that $500 is a lot for an MI cartridge and that the Grado Opus 3 is an absolutely gorgeous sounding thing for less. I’ve loved mine this last 17 months. But if you’ve got your heart set on a MP200 I doubt you’ll be disappointed.

Well... The AT VM series cart that was cheaper in a shootout video... appeared to have both more bass response & more clarity than MP-200... & found one for $320 (vs Nag cart's $550)... Guys like Mike at The In Groove on YT with expensive kits talk about bass retrieval being what makes or breaks enjoy certain pressings.

750SH it is, then. Plus it'll be super compatible with my AT TT.