A Road Well Traveled…My System Journey…Completed?


Well-Known Member
Hey all. I’ve been around here since the old VMP days and probably seem a little all over the place at times… many times…lol.

My stereo journey began when the itch was triggered after I found a picture of my father listening to music on pair of headphones back in the day.

After doing some initial research I stumbled onto this site and, under the watchful eye of our friend @HiFi Guy i grabbed a U-turn Orbit with a Ortofon Blue cart. I played it through a Little Dot MKII into a pair of Sennheiser HD600 headphones along with a Vincent PHO 700 phono amp. God I loved this little setup. Got me going.

System #1 April 2017
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June 2017- Soon after, I added a pair of old Marantz speakers that someone gave me, and then bought a pair of Polk M10’s (I believe) at my local Best Buy. I also added, from that same Best Buy, a Yamaha network receiver (RN something, as can be seen on the bookshelf here. IMG_0682.jpeg
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January 2018- Speaker change to a pair of SVS Prime Bookshelves, a new PLX1000 turntable and an SVS 1000 sub. I remember how amazing I thought the Primes sounded compared to the Polks I had. I’ve considered grabbing another pair for years to give them another shot somewhere. IMG_0272.jpegIMG_0274.jpegIMG_0277.jpeg
July 2018- Replaced the Vincent PHO 700 with a Sutherland Insight. By far the biggest sound improvement up to this point and it wasn’t close. I remember listening to MJ’s The Wall on night one and knowing that the upgrade bug had bit me hard. The Insight was the point of no return. Also added an Onkyo C7030 cd player. IMG_0322.jpeg
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May 2019- Out goes the PrimaLuna and the PLX 1000, in comes the Luxman L550axII and MoFi Ultradeck. Was super happy with this setup as well and the L550axII is the amplifier I judge everything against since. Nothing has been better if I’m being honest. IMG_6953.png
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May 2021- Out went the Sutherland and in came a Luxman E-250 Phono stage. Didn’t think it improved on the sound of the Insight or the L550’s on board phono so it was short lived. Also picked up a Sony 2251 Direct Drive table which I messed around with for a bit and put a SME 3009 on. Also a precursor to my Vinyl Nirvana table. IMG_6957.jpegIMG_6958.jpeg
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October 2021- Kind of a busy month… The first arrival of an item that is still in use, my VTI system rack. Also added a Musical Fidelity M6X phono stage which was great for my 2 deck setup, a Rega RP6 which was short lived because the plinth was warping, and the Bluesound Node 2i. IMG_6959.jpeg
December 2022- Out went both the Spendors (to my daughter’s house) and the Fortes. In came this pair of Fyne F500SP stand mounts. I really liked these, wife didn’t. This pair had a pretty major imperfection so they went back for a pair of Klipsch Heresy IV’s.

Also bought a used Decware Torii MKIV which I wanted to compare to the Luxman. The Luxman won but I had fun with the Decware. Brought in a Dogue RP-1 for a short time to try with the Decware. IMG_6963.jpegIMG_6964.jpegIMG_6965.jpeg
Summer/Fall 2023- In retrospect, a bittersweet time period. I said goodbye to my L550axII and dipped my toes in the separates water with a Parasound A21+ and a PrimaLuna Evo 300 preamp. In reality I’ve been chasing that Class A Luxman sound ever since. I did find my current speakers when I picked up a new pair of Tamo Ash Harbeth C7es3XD’s which I just really love. Also got the Pass Labs XP15 phono in the house. IMG_6969.jpeg