Disappointed in MOFI Ultradeck


New Member
So, now my $2500 turntable can be had for $1499. That's more than a little disconcerting.

Not to mention, the platter has always wobbled. And when you power it up, the motor shakes the tonearm mightily.

You can't tell me that motor is well isolated. Or that vibration magically stops.

I guess this is a 1499 turntable after all. Thanks for the sucker punch MOFI.
Oh, so I figured I'd try to sell it (what's it worth now 2 years old? 350 bucks?) I reach out to MOFI to see if I can get a replacement factory shipping box.

Nope. They're all out. I'm guessing the rush to dump these tables is on.

Ask me if I'm interested in the 5k MOFI turntable. Just wait on that-- they'll drop that to 3k soon, I am sure.