N&G AoTM /// Vol. 64 - October 2024 /// ??????? - ??? ?????????

Ok, I'll make another guess. The evidence is the same as my previous guess, it it the second half of my secret Santa gift from @Kris!

Everything But The Girl – Fuse


Not sure I can match the clues, but here goes...

#1 Baby goat falling --- "Time And Time Again" get back up after the fall?
#2 Shadow Dancing --- This is electronic/pop and can be danced to?
#3 Quilting & fabrics --- the cover is has a pattern?
#4 Not in your collection? --- can't verify as I don't have a link to your collection...
#5 Sisters --- some link to Swing Out Sister?
#6 UK --- Mastered at Abby Road (at least my copy)
#7 Stock price? or Release date? --- released Apr 21, 2023
Ok, I'll make another guess. The evidence is the same as my previous guess, it it the second half of my secret Santa gift from @Kris!

Everything But The Girl – Fuse

View attachment 213636

Not sure I can match the clues, but here goes...

#1 Baby goat falling --- "Time And Time Again" get back up after the fall?
#2 Shadow Dancing --- This is electronic/pop and can be danced to?
#3 Quilting & fabrics --- the cover is has a pattern?
#4 Not in your collection? --- can't verify as I don't have a link to your collection...
#5 Sisters --- some link to Swing Out Sister?
#6 UK --- Mastered at Abby Road (at least my copy)
#7 Stock price? or Release date? --- released Apr 21, 2023
Good guess but it’s not this.

It’s not an album I’ve posted about before!
I have another idea…..
Liam Gallagher MTV unplugged.
Random memory his Sons called Gene ?
Released 2020
Cast no Shadow.
That’s about it.
I suppose Kid falling over might reference Noel being attacked by a guitar wielding Liam.Or was it tuther way around 🤷‍♂️

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There may be a man in the hired musicians, but not a named member of the musical act.
oh i tried and i succeeded in getting absolutely no place slowly.
SOoooooo bad at guessing, im down a narrow single lane cul-de-sac driving an old Volvo Estate with a flat tyre. Suddenly a Piano falls on my car and i hear a voice saying The ROTM is behind you, all you need to do is a super quick 3 point turn before it rolls away......