The Cure - all things big, small, and sticky sweet

I finished my listen through of the Cure's Discography. Some I had heard many times, some I hadn't heard in a while and some I'm not sure I've ever listened to. Here is how I'd rank them all as of right now. I will admit I'm probably more bias towards the Late 80's trough 2000's compared to the early 80's stuff.

14. Three Imaginary Boys
13. 4:13 Dream
12. The Top
11. The Cure
10. Seventeen Seconds
9. Faith
8. Wild Mood Swings
7. Bloodflowers
6. The Head on the Door
5. Pornography
4. Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me,
3. Songs of a Lost World
2. Disintegration
1. Wish

Listening to them all back to back to back I was pretty impressed how consistent Robert Smith's vocals are through 5 decades.
Whenever I try I always come up with a different list...but here's my Cure ranking for today:

14. The Cure
13. 4:13 Dream
12. Faith
11. Three Imaginary Boys
10. Seventeen Seconds
9. Bloodflowers
8. The Top
7. Pornography
6. Wild Mood Swings
5. Songs of a Lost World
4. The Head on the Door
3. Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me
2. Wish
1. Disintegration

He has a lot of musical inspirations; however, one of his favourite modern bands is a shoegaze outfit The Cure took on tour with them.

“Mogwai are the only band in the last five years that I’ve been so blown away by that I’ve gone out and bought everything they’ve ever done, [all the] bootlegs,” said Robert Smith, “I’m kind of obsessed with them. They’re one of the best bands I’ve heard in my life, and I can’t believe that, because they’re never going to have a hit single, obviously. I’m hoping people will connect with them [when they tour with us] this summer.”
Thank you.
I was joking around that I'm too much of a luddite to try and figure out how to make that happen.
I appreciate the knowledge though.
I will freely admit I am too much of a moron to pick up on internet sarcasm (especially with this dumb head cold I have)