I mean, I've well talked about my feelings on her most recent here. Lemonade and this are GREAT albums, bar none. This one approaches some experimentation, but more importantly brings hefty topics to popular RnB. I think it was @bluejay who said that Ill Communication was when the Beasties stopped being boys and became Men. This is the same way I feel about this album. It is the moment she took all the clout she had gotten from being the biggest pop star on the planet and started doing something with her platform. It chronicles her heights but also her insecurities and struggles. It's also sexually explicit with out pandoring to the porn crowd (like so much rap). It's real as opposed to merely designed to get butts shaking on the dance floor (which it also does). It was released at the 11th hour and was my AOTY for 2013 by the end of its release week. It was stunning as a statement and stunning as an event (the midnight drop without notice).