Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Blue Note vol 2, Archie Shepp repress, Zamrock vol 2. I'm sure there's a lot more examples. Limited almost never means limited for them and it's one of my biggest complaints for how they operate.
The Alicia Keyes box says something like ‘this first run will have 1000 pressings’ which is far more acceptable than the old ‘and if we press anymore than 1000 the earth will explode.

Cue VMP pressing another 20000 and the earth (rather frustratingly) not exploding. Which make me as a punter feel like a right mug.
The Alicia Keyes box says something like ‘this first run will have 1000 pressings’ which is far more acceptable than the old ‘and if we press anymore than 1000 the earth will explode.

Cue VMP pressing another 20000 and the earth (rather frustratingly) not exploding. Which make me as a punter feel like a right mug.
They didn’t say when the earth would explode to be fair. In 7.5 billion years, if the sun doesn’t swallow the planet you have every right to a refund.
The Alicia Keyes box says something like ‘this first run will have 1000 pressings’ which is far more acceptable than the old ‘and if we press anymore than 1000 the earth will explode.

Cue VMP pressing another 20000 and the earth (rather frustratingly) not exploding. Which make me as a punter feel like a right mug.

I'm fine with that all about transparency
You have to assume that even if the VMP pressings are done after this that his camp/label are going to press his catalog like wildfire once they see these sales numbers.

That said, I'll probably FOMO my way into all four VMP releases because I'm a sucker.
You have to assume that even if the VMP pressings are done after this that his camp/label are going to press his catalog like wildfire once they see these sales numbers.

That said, I'll probably FOMO my way into all four VMP releases because I'm a sucker.
I mean they’ve done them all before and they’ve performed well for VMP every time. You think they would’ve already jumped on it.
this would be an instant buy. the last time I found an original of this in the wild was 2005 and grading it F would have been generous
yep. i've been requesting it for them for a year or two and storf mentioned a few weeks ago that they wanna do it and are looking into it. so fingers crossed! even the crappy 4MWB reissue goes for pretty big money last i looked.

This is a cool one. Been pushing for them to do more Toussaint. They are looking into Southern Nights too as future ROTM
Definitely excited about The Bright Mississippi. The album has a who’s who of New Orleans musicians playing some beautiful music. It also has great sound and imaging (I’ve used this as a demo disc and to audition new speakers). Really looking forward to what RKS can do with this one.