Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

"There's no relationship. No ownership shared between the pressing plant and VMP." 🤣

...then WTF was the board voting on in 2021? "Should we spend a few hundred thousand dollars on something for someone else's 100% profit? We'll get nothing out of it directly but we could contract with this new entity, spending additional $ to get our records pressed there. All in favor?" I know it was supposed to get mostly outside funding, but then still don't understand how the board needed to be involved if the company had no official connection, with a building that ended up with their logo on it.

Or is this more of a corporate shell game? -the plant is completely owned by a company called.... Please, Me Vinyl; no relation (except in the Caymans ;)) and VMP doesn't formally own the plant
Hi chiming in, if there is a hard lesson that the yarn community has learned over and over that may be applicable to this situation, it is never pre-order anything that is outside of your PayPal/Credit Card dispute window. Once that window closes and if your order is not fulfilled, there isn’t much you can do unless you got suing money.

If they have Private Equity/Investor money, they do not need your money for a record(s) that comes out in 6-9-12 months. They are not a mom and pop running out of their kitchen and that rule also goes for them too.

You think this is drama, I have read about many fake deaths, illnesses, etc over stolen yarn money.
Hi chiming in, if there is a hard lesson that the yarn community has learned over and over that may be applicable to this situation, it is never pre-order anything that is outside of your PayPal/Credit Card dispute window. Once that window closes and if your order is not fulfilled, there isn’t much you can do unless you got suing money.

If they have Private Equity/Investor money, they do not need your money for a record(s) that comes out in 6-9-12 months. They are not a mom and pop running out of their kitchen and that rule also goes for them too.

You think this is drama, I have read about many fake deaths, illnesses, etc over stolen yarn money.

There’s a boardie named chiming in?