Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)


don't look up what happened to all those dogs and cats that were used in the movie
This used to be one of my favorite movies as a little kid. Now it just makes me so very sad knowing what happened to them... :cry:
In some ways aren’t we all his children?
This isn’t at you, TLK. You know I lurve you!

Just wanted to remind everyone that either wasn’t around then or doesn’t recall all the things that… and I’m speaking with my whole ass chest here…that man is a piece of actual gorbage.

I know I’m probably biased. I’ve met all the original four founders of vmp and a good number of people who work for or have worked for the company. I’m still friends with two of the four founders (I’ll let that speak for itself). But storfington is the one I’ll actively speak on. I hope he has a series of unpleasant experiences in his life, learns from them, and ultimately moves on and has a happy existence as a better person.
$50 for members, those lawyers aren’t gonna pay for themselves.

Edit: estimated arrival mid-JANUARY lmao

I wonder if they've listened to it.
This isn’t at you, TLK. You know I lurve you!

Just wanted to remind everyone that either wasn’t around then or doesn’t recall all the things that… and I’m speaking with my whole ass chest here…that man is a piece of actual gorbage.

I know I’m probably biased. I’ve met all the original four founders of vmp and a good number of people who work for or have worked for the company. I’m still friends with two of the four founders (I’ll let that speak for itself). But storfington is the one I’ll actively speak on. I hope he has a series of unpleasant experiences in his life, learns from them, and ultimately moves on and has a happy existence as a better person.

I wasn’t around. What did storf do to cause this reaction?