Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

In the old days, sclusies sold out fast. I don’t even remember when that changed. There were times when technical glitches would lead to you not being able to get something. For those of us long in the tooth with the company, stuff sitting around was kind of a sign of a failed item - whether it be our lord and savior, Tabakin, or Perro Del Mar.

I think these smaller things get a lot of side eyes these days because VMPs shit is (mostly) expensive. It was easier to take a flyer on something at $18 or $20.

Also, seemingly by comments from staff on discord, they weren’t aware that people waited for shit to show up in swaps to be had for cheaper - at least not to the extent it is done.

I also think they had a captive audience who were heavily under the influence of FOMO. I bought some amount of stuff that I really should have known I wouldn’t like…
I also think they had a captive audience who were heavily under the influence of FOMO. I bought some amount of stuff that I really should have known I wouldn’t like…
the cheaper prices back then made it easier to take a chance on stuff, and at that point you could always re-sell for at least what you could pay for it. most VMP stuff is cheaper now on discogs than buying direct from VMP which is kinda wild.
the cheaper prices back then made it easier to take a chance on stuff, and at that point you could always re-sell for at least what you could pay for it. most VMP stuff is cheaper now on discogs than buying direct from VMP which is kinda wild.

And that’s at your prices, imagine it at ours. Then equally importing from the states on cogs isn’t cheap either I suppose!
I just spent an hour trying to decide what to swap to. (The VMP Country album for this month blows). It shouldn’t take this long to pick but when comparing current secondary prices with the cost of a membership while also weighing pressing issue. This shit is exhausting all to select an album that I enjoy but am not necessarily excited about.
I ended up selecting Yusuf Lateef - The Three Faces Of Yusuf Lateef.

I am glad this is my final month. I got some wonderful records out of my six month sub but, between the 6 albums and the bonus records, I am tapped out for a while. Maybe I will pop back in sometime in 2025 if they get a good run going but for now I am good.
I just spent an hour trying to decide what to swap to. (The VMP Country album for this month blows). It shouldn’t take this long to pick but when comparing current secondary prices with the cost of a membership while also weighing pressing issue. This shit is exhausting all to select an album that I enjoy but am not necessarily excited about.
I ended up selecting Yusuf Lateef - The Three Faces Of Yusuf Lateef.

I am glad this is my final month. I got some wonderful records out of my six month sub but, between the 6 albums and the bonus records, I am tapped out for a while. Maybe I will pop back in sometime in 2025 if they get a good run going but for now I am good.

Yeah, I can see that. I knew I'd be swapping for Alice Coltrane this month so I could keep my add-ons down to one last month, but if I hadn't come in knowing that I think I'd have had a tricky time.
I just spent an hour trying to decide what to swap to. (The VMP Country album for this month blows). It shouldn’t take this long to pick but when comparing current secondary prices with the cost of a membership while also weighing pressing issue. This shit is exhausting all to select an album that I enjoy but am not necessarily excited about.
I ended up selecting Yusuf Lateef - The Three Faces Of Yusuf Lateef.

I am glad this is my final month. I got some wonderful records out of my six month sub but, between the 6 albums and the bonus records, I am tapped out for a while. Maybe I will pop back in sometime in 2025 if they get a good run going but for now I am good.
this is where i'm at when my sub expires too. i'll likely go back to dipping in and out every few months when there are multiple titles i want. i only really subbed for the year to get the bonus albums.