Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Also “A” According to Discogs. They sort by the artists first game so it doesn’t matter if it’s the artist or the band it’s all under “A”.

I dont follow the discogs system as i can find everything myself for how i have it organized.

I keep Alice Cooper under A because it was a band before it became a person. If it was always an artist, then itd be filed under C.
In the before times, there were rules in place to prevent you having to worry about it, but since a dumbass programmer couldn’t figure out how to comma delineate a crowd sourced database, we now have infinite debates on the subject.

Without the internet these debates wouldn’t exist. Just like is a hot dog a sandwich.
I don’t have any debate on the subject. As long a I use Discogs to catalog my collection it would be silly to use any other format to organize.
Hey @avecigrec something to chew on… the same logic that leads you to put Tribe in the As might lead you to put Pink Floyd in the Fs.

Another possible counter is when you talk about A Tribe Called Quest and are actually speaking… are you more likely to say “A Tribe Called Quest”, “ATCQ” or “Tribe”?