Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

These are things that would definitely make me not stay a subscriber, lol. Ok, not all, but the last couple.
I’m just saying they did a lot to make it seem like they were cool with swaps (like even said we want you to swap) and now they are doing things to curb it.

This move in no way does anything except shorten the window to swap. And not very long after Storf said we’re not looking to change swaps but the data shows y’all use it differently than we intended. But do we?
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We'll announce on the fourth Monday, unless we decide to announce on the first Storfday on discord in which case we won't announce it anywhere else. We'll now announce a fake pressing plant when preorders go live and a second unconfirmed plant six months after it was supposed to ship, with the real pressing plant only being discovered by @Mather and his dead wax magnifying glass on the eleventyith of the blood moon. Our CEO will be a former Trump campaign strategist turned liberal astrologer who will set all dates moving forward. These will be shared with no one.
Or more likely, Mather grabs his 24 carat gold VPI Audiophile Magnifying Glass and pores over the deadwax for hours only to suddenly remember that he has absolutely no idea what any of these goddamn etchings mean anyhow so he logs on to N&G and asks for help from someone who isn't functionally useless like he is...
Or more likely, Mather grabs his 24 carat gold VPI Audiophile Magnifying Glass and pores over the deadwax for hours only to suddenly remember that he has absolutely no idea what any of these goddamn etchings mean anyhow so he logs on to N&G and asks for help from someone who isn't functionally useless like he is...
Now, don’t be so hard on yourself… you know what all those buttons on the board in the Death Star do.
Or more likely, Mather grabs his 24 carat gold VPI Audiophile Magnifying Glass and pores over the deadwax for hours only to suddenly remember that he has absolutely no idea what any of these goddamn etchings mean anyhow so he logs on to N&G and asks for help from someone who isn't functionally useless like he is...
I was going to write that you'd come here to ask what they meant, but that felt like too much.
That one seemed surprising because Cicely usually does great work. Given how bad the reviews were, seems crazy that it went all the way through production and was approved
literally no one knows the situation.. when storf was asked he said "I was too busy with stuff to understand sooo... i dunno some people got good copies some didn't"

maybe cicely thought every song was supposed to sound like the ODB song