Nee Lewman
More like, you look at an item and a shop clerk appears out of nowhere and goes “CAN I WRAP THAT FOR YOU?” And even though no one is in the store they are like “IT’S SELLING FAST.” You do this with two or three more items in the store with the same results. You decide to leave and they are like “YOU WILL DIE IF YOU DON’T BUY THIS!” Then when you get home they call you to let you know you left it there and they will gladly put it behind the counter if you would like to pay for it now.It's the online equivalent of going into a store, knowing what you're looking for and like clockwork a sales employee shows up behind you like a vampire asking if they can help you with anything.
All the time.
At every store.
My inbox is probably like 90% this, when all I want to do is just add something to my cart to check just how many internal organs I need to sell in order to afford shipping costs to Canada.
As soon as they get your email, you're fucked.