Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Paully was saying in the discord the "series" of classics, hip hop etc, will continue along with the numbering. But it seems like they want to avoid supply issues like Ramones or Gus Cannon while also placating to those that just want something/anything. Idk
I kind of hoped they wouldn’t do this tbh. The completist in me just wanted classics to end this month so I could be ‘done.’ I’m still done, but I’ll be slightly OCD about it
I bet you're right. That's why the 500 copies of Little Beaver is being pressed at "Night Kitchen Record Pressing."
I mean, no offense if anyone on here happens to know personally the people who started that plant, but with that name, I imagine a couple of guys trying to press records at an IHOP in the middle of the night with some highly modified industrial waffle irons.
I have a feeling my Dead Box will never ship. It's coming up on 2 years. There is no excuse at this point other than they have no cash. They can try an rework the model all they want, but the damage to what little reputation they had is done and permanent. If you can't ship product people have paid for in a reasonable timeframe, consumer confidence is gone. Death spiral. No way this company is in business beyond 2025.
When customers don't get what they ordered and paid for after a 2 year wait, they historically filed with the BBB or went after the seller in other ways. Somehow, VMP keeps stiff arming all the jilted customers from ripping them a new one and still has customers.
I've been having a lot of fun curating my collection now that I dont have $50+ locked up with VMP every month. Also, everything I want from VMP is sub $40 on cogs, so if i really want something... I can get it on discount. Its just a no brainer to not be subscribed anymore.
Speaking of International and Canada.....Tim Hortons.

Okay, are there many Tim Hortons in the U.S. (maybe northern states)? I feel like reading something years ago about how they tried to expand into the U.S. but were too aggressive in the attempted growth.

Now, I used to live in upstate NY (Syracuse) and there were Tim Hortons there. But....this is what surprised me....I was in Monterrey, Mexico over the weekend and there are Tim Hortons everywhere!
There’s also this beaut hidden in the discord today as well:
Hiya! Our fulfillment run for the month is scheduled to begin on 01/20. Our warehouse partner is currently working on inventory counts for their other accounts. EOY inventory counts require a large workforce, resulting in a stoppage of all shipments.
This hasn’t been a problem the other seven years you have been using them?