Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I wouldn't be shocked if they were going to a "send us money, tell us what genres you like and we'll send you something we think fits your interests". "Trust us to curate your box". I think they have been testing the concept with the mystery bundles that have been successful. It's flexible (for them) and mysterious (for you). Helps them move stuff that's sitting and gets them out of some of traps they're in now.
Hey, I guessed right!
Paully was saying in the discord the "series" of classics, hip hop etc, will continue along with the numbering. But it seems like they want to avoid supply issues like Ramones or Gus Cannon while also placating to those that just want something/anything. Idk
They probably just are not continued on a monthly Basis. So one month there might be a hip hop and country album and the next month classic and Rock. That's how I would read the bringing back of country and rock.
One thing that removed complaints fof them is they should nl longer bd able to oversell an rotm. Since you are not automatically signed for a track and actively swap for it once they are gone you'll have to get something else
That and positioning the crate membership as comparisons to Costco / Amazon Prime.
My takeaway from all this is not VMP turning into fucking Blue Apron or whatever those meal things are called (this is a bad analogy in my opinion, it would seem to me that if they were doing build your own mixtape vinyls - then he might have been close) but Costco (except instead of discounted goods, you are getting outrageously priced goods).

The idea that members over there are buying into the crate is the best display of their lemming mentality.

Given the option of having to buy everything at a lesser discount OR buying everything, getting a better discount, and a record every month…. Unless they jack up the memberships the equivalent of $10 a month…. It’s an easy choice.
My takeaway from all this is not VMP turning into fucking Blue Apron or whatever those meal things are called (this is a bad analogy in my opinion, it would seem to me that if they were doing build your own mixtape vinyls - then he might have been close) but Costco (except instead of discounted goods, you are getting outrageously priced goods).

The idea that members over there are buying into the crate is the best display of their lemming mentality.

Given the option of having to buy everything at a lesser discount OR buying everything, getting a better discount, and a record every month…. Unless they jack up the memberships the equivalent of $10 a month…. It’s an easy choice.

I can see the crate sub working if you're brand new to collecting and will buy $1000 worth of albums over a year but that's the only use case I see that makes sense
Still don't fully understand how these store drops work. So they are dropping x release tomorrow,. Does it go directly to the store and what's left over is available swaps?