Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I mean you can be, you just can’t engage with venture capitalists or get listed on the stock market.
Agreed. Positives of growth are: job creation (folks can pay rent, buy food); the company you love can stay alive and pay its' bills without needing money from outside parties; business can buy things needed to improve service and products (software, etc).
Cons are greed; loss of focus on the customer and product; biz gets swole and get purchased by people who don't care; you take money from others who expect things in return incongruent with your original identity.
There is definately a middle ground there that if reached, can be positive.
For the past few months I have been listening to and sharing each record from VMP's Classics series on my Instagram each Saturday. I actually joined before they even had subs though so I would probably listen to one of the earlier releases that I wouldn't have really heard otherwise, like Wells Fargo, Beach House, Daniel Norgren, Townes Van Zandt, Lafayette Afro-Rock Band, Fiona Apple, etc.

Haters gonna hate but VMP really opened my eyes to a ton of music, you guys via the old forum, and the albums I have from them are always on rotation.
I forgot I had Wells Fargo.
Think I will go on Discogs and check just what I have from VMP. My mate also appreciates them, he must have a dozen records from them, he has never subscribed, just got a generous friend haha.
I mean you can be, you just can’t engage with venture capitalists or get listed on the stock market.
TBH, in this stage of capitalism it’s still almost impossible regardless. If a business wants do the right thing by their customers and employees, that is all well and good but that doesn’t mean that their market competitors are gonna respect that, no they will come in with their VC money and angel investors and bury them to steal their market shares. Even if it means feigning responsibility and caring for the short term. The whole system is fucked.

I applaud those willing to do the right thing when they can but usually they are just biding their time. Consumerism doesn’t value quality. It values earnings and units shifted.
But on the other hand, if they put out a great/super clean sounding Daptone record it may be a first....

Otherwise, yeah, I don't think I've paid over $30CAD for any Daptone record. Maybe the Daptone Review which I think was a double LP.

EDIT: Lies, it was a triple.
oh also they will be pressing a little more than the main amount so there will be enough for swap (or selections as it should be called). so internationals can get the ability to get the ROTMs (or series as they are now)

plus TBT is going to be swaps now
Strictly limited to 2000. Does that mean they will sell 1800 and save 200 for swaps or 2000 is a lie?