Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Looking through the available inventory, it's crazy to see what is still in stock from the early days. I mean, Lapsley is still available?!

I subbed for three months. Have my eye on just a couple of things. Even though I think it said there were almost 500 titles available, I don't see much that I actually need.
Looking through the available inventory, it's crazy to see what is still in stock from the early days. I mean, Lapsley is still available?!

I subbed for three months. Have my eye on just a couple of things. Even though I think it said there were almost 500 titles available, I don't see much that I actually need.
Better believe the "VMP Crate" customers are gonna be meeting Lapsley real soon.
This is what I’ve never understood… lapsley predates swaps and possibly crate. Did a bunch of monthly people just drop out?
I remember reading somewhere from one of their staff (I think it was Storf) that for a period of time, they really increased the numbers on the print runs and that era of VMP was when they had the largest and they adjusted downwards when they started having large amounts of dead stock. That’s why there’s a bunch from that era still available or that didn’t sell out until years later.
I remember reading somewhere from one of their staff (I think it was Storf) that for a period of time, they really increased the numbers on the print runs and that era of VMP was when they had the largest and they adjusted downwards when they started having large amounts of dead stock. That’s why there’s a bunch from that era still available or that didn’t sell out until years later.
Yeah Lapsley was before Storf and before they got too big for their britches. Those were the stuff in the store will never cost more than like twenty bucks days. And summer yard sales where they paraded a bunch of stuff out for $5 or $10 dollars days. Hell, they basically still functioned like PBC… “hey can y’all get me the birthday blue ok computer?” “We’ll see what we can do.”
I remember reading somewhere from one of their staff (I think it was Storf) that for a period of time, they really increased the numbers on the print runs and that era of VMP was when they had the largest and they adjusted downwards when they started having large amounts of dead stock. That’s why there’s a bunch from that era still available or that didn’t sell out until years later.

I think Lapsley and Torres (I’m sure that one’s still around) predate that era.

Those numbers were for a six month sub, but I’ll add the creem link really quick!
