Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

yes. i would cancel add-on. and set your main one to swap for credit if there's nothing you want that is in stock. even then, check discogs prices of things you want.

the auto-suggested title thing seems really......iffy. I don't think it suggests a title when swaps open monday. i think it suggests a title when swaps CLOSE or something. it seemed quite convoluted when they were trying to explain it.
Like this whole new club?
the rest of the stuff seems somewhat straight-forward to me now.

no more new ROTM.

choose from back catalogue or bundles.

a few TRUE exclusive cuts each month available for preorder in ROTM quality

it's all the other details that make no sense to me hah.

Except they should get rid of pre orders for the former rotm series
How’s that Cunnynliguists sound? Nothing else remotely interesting for me in swaps, can’t believe I’m close to swapping for credit two months in a row after never having to swap for credit before in 7 years as a member