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As disconnected from it all as I am, I would settle for one (1) piece of good or encouraging news this week.
I've spent the last two beautiful summer evenings on our patio, grilling, sipping drinks and streaming the Tortoise catalog. Holy shit, so great. Better late than never I guess.
Back in Vegas. It’s stupid hot, I’ve been food shopping at Costco and Winco for a bunch of volleyball girls. Now I’m exhausted and thirsty, researching record stores to hit and bars to check out.
Tried an adderall for the first time today and that shit was amazing?? Tidied both my yards top to bottom and then listened to 6 new albums and played Balatro for 5 hours. Incredible.
I am 173 legos tall.
On my way to Montreal! Can't wait for all the bagels and poutine.
If you want some of the best dumplings ever hit up The Dumpling Hut. I go every time I’m up there!
Momo sushi was my favorite thing from my last trip there. All plant based sushi but PLEASE give it a chance, all my non-vegan friends loved it.
Dinner at Le Vin Papillonsst night followed by drinks at Atwater Cocktail Club - epic first night!
Didn't listen to this last year when it came out, but it's hitting the spot this morning.
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That Dan Auerbach does have good taste in music. Unsure why it doesn’t translate to his own anymore. (Everything I’ve heard him on this year is boring or hot garbage)
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Fully agree. His latest was so underwhelming, but he does have a good ear for others.
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In a weird coincidence, I just got an email that the signed version of this LP is on sale for $15 today on Easy Eye Sound.
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I am hosting the July vinyl challenge thread if you are interested in joining. It is my first time hosting one of these challenges, with this month's theme related to my Japan travels. Only the first two weeks of prompts are available at this time, with the rest available soon.
Happy Let's-commemorate-colonization-and-genocide-by-wearing-red-and-getting-publicly-intoxicated-and-puking-in-the-streets Day to all who celebrate.