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I need Michelle Branch - The Spirit Room on vinyl. This is something that I have been waiting forever to be pressed. Since I first started collecting 15 years ago. Looks like it finally got a pressing and I completely missed it.
Unloaded 370 albums to my local for $5,200. I little over $14 a record. It was a good day!
(it's not) BECK with Orchestra at Carnegie Hall tonight... LET'S GOOOOO!!!!!
Just finished a Chet Baker biography and uhhh, that guy was surprisingly, a real piece of shit lol. One of the most unlikeable and actively morally bankrupt people I’ve ever read about. Seems like he did just about everything except kill somebody
Which bio did you read? The Joren de Valk one was very thorough, haven't read the James Gavin one yet.
James Gavin's! It's thorough and scathing man phewwwwwwww. Great fucking book though! How did you like the Joren De Valk one?
Man, its sad to hear but there were a TON of jazz musicians of that era that were all pieces of shit really. Art Pepper was an abusive addict that stole and manipulated anyone he could, Charles Mingus was physically abusive and a pimp (literally), Art Blakey was a bully and a racist. The list goes on, its really horrible.