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  • i need to stop eating so much ghost pepper salsa … but i'm a heat/spice addict
    So excited to see Stereolab for the first time ever on Thursday. I might even do the thing I never do, which is arrive when doors open to secure a spot on the railing overlooking the stage. The show sold out in about an hour way back in February, so I'm guessing there will be others like me aiming for good visual real estate. Can't take a risk, they might not be back for another 18 years.
    DHL shipped my 3 clear Stereolab records to the wrong address and now I'm dealing with their research dept trying to find out where the effing courier delivered it, and if he/she remembers and can retrieve it, etc. I was so excited yesterday getting the "your records will arrive today" and now I'm pissed. 1st world problems, I know, but this feels like the appropriate place to vent.
    you are correct, they are DHL via after port of sound effed me (and everyone else). i need to wait until DHL completes their "research" before I take the issue to amazon, or so DHL informed me. i'll remain optimistic that the courier remembers where the she/he erroneously delivered them - maybe it helps that it must be a pretty heavy - and hopefully memorable- package.
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    If it were me, I wouldn’t wait. Amazon is super fast and loose with refunds/replacements. If DHL finds it great but in the mean time you are already working toward refullfilling your order with Amazon.
    @TenderLovingKiller® Thanks for the advice! I did that exactly. claims they will be able to replace, but I'm not too confident because each record has a different shipping date now, with Cobra not set to ship out until November. The idea that they'd actually have a limited clear one to ship out in November doesn't feel realistic to me.
    I love Jenny Hval. I love this new Jenny Hval album, and I'm only three tracks in. I'm happy there are even more songs coming!
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    Well, it's the first Jenny Hval album I got through in one sitting, so that's saying something. I'll have to revisit. I'm not quite sure what I thought of that. It wasn't love at first listen though. On to Charli XCX!
    @sjaygray cool! Charli XCX is in my queue, but won't have time for it today. In addition to Hval's album, I was able to get to new Blood Cultures and new (Sandy) Alex G, and I'm looking forward to revisiting both.
    I liked the (Sandy) Alex G! I also really dig the new Alex Cameron.
    Really enjoying Blood Cultures. Last album was great, and the singles from upcoming album are dope, esp Best for You.
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