Bandbox: an uncompensated review of an interesting new club

Someone pointed out that the store page being empty like that isn’t because Bandbox took down their inventory, but due to Shopify possibly shutting them down.
It looks like one can still buy from Bandbox in the Shop app though (and when I clicked more details on an item there it took me to it on the Bandbox site and it looked like I could order it there too)... But they definitely aren't shipping anything--last week I used my rewards points and a gift card to order some records that were in stock just to see what happened (/in the hope of not wasting them) and they have not shipped
Wow. Must admit the ongoing silence is pretty surprising given the company's generally solid track record with communication. But I guess actions are saying all that needs to be said right now. Really hoping they find a way come through with at least some of those long back-ordered albums so everyone isn't just getting completely messed over here.
Wow. Must admit the ongoing silence is pretty surprising given the company's generally solid track record with communication. But I guess actions are saying all that needs to be said right now. Really hoping they find a way come through with at least some of those long back-ordered albums so everyone isn't just getting completely messed over here.

Yeah, I would be more than happy to get my 8-9 or preorders and forgo the rest of $250 credit and call it even, but I am guessing that is a pipedream at this point.
As I've said before, expanded to scale too quickly, unsustainable subscription deals, coupon codes and poor curation after their initial run= bankruptcy. Man I hope I am wrong, but the writing is on the wall. Well the exclusives I do have of theirs look and sound great, so that wasn't their problem I know that much.
Sent in an email to ask about status to get my ducks in a row with respect to a potential chargeback, and took a few screenshots of pages showing Nov/Dec ship dates. If you go to your orders you can click through to some album pages (Fontaines DC), but some have gone 404 (The Beths).

Sitting with 6 outstanding preorders and I think $50 in bandbux (that I did pay for, but at some deep, deep discount).
As I've said before, expanded to scale too quickly, unsustainable subscription deals, coupon codes and poor curation after their initial run= bankruptcy. Man I hope I am wrong, but the writing is on the wall. Well the exclusives I do have of theirs look and sound great, so that wasn't their problem I know that much.
Yeah, it seemed unlikely to last a couple years ago, but then they kept delivering (very delayed) good product. It looked inevitable if they weren't bought out or injected with VC that it would have to run out of cash eventually. I hoped they'd fulfill things and wind down like some other places did in those circumstances, but does seem more and more like they were selling to Peter to pay Paul.

I did a little minor internet snooping yesterday and while a couple of their guys still have this listed as their employer on LinkedIn, the COO removed it from his profile (still says it in his title through Google search), which isn't a good sign. He looks like a kid, so not very surprised if I'm judging a book by it's cover that he had no idea what the f' he was doing and ran it into the ground.
Also, given their proclivity for deep discounts, kinda surprised they didn't just set up a full-blown fire sale with their in-stock records rather than just take everything down. Guessing they were able to find a buyer for their warehoused stock instead. We should keep an eye out for anyone who's suddenly got 1000 or so Jordy records showing on their storefront.
Also, given their proclivity for deep discounts, kinda surprised they didn't just set up a full-blown fire sale with their in-stock records rather than just take everything down. Guessing they were able to find a buyer for their warehoused stock instead. We should keep an eye out for anyone who's suddenly got 1000 or so Jordy records showing on their storefront.
So long as it isn't stock I already bought. If it is then the fraud horn of Gondor must be blown.
Funny enough, I was able to add Luna. - Penthouse to my cart, even though that was listed as sold out months ago.

My feeling is that there is no warehouse of stock. Records get pressed and sent to the fulfillment centre and then shipped out.