January 2023 Spinning Challenge: Welcome To 2023

Joe Mac

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
The Sofa
So the January Challenge Thread! The only rules are no dupes, it must spin and have fun! Accompanying stories are encouraged.

Day 1: Happy New Year
Raise a wee dram to see in the new year and pick a great album to accompany it.

Day 2: Hangover
I suppose technically the hangover was yesterday but still. Play an album to soothe a well earned sore head!

Day 3: Three is the Magic Number
Play a wonderful third album by an artist you love.

Day 4: Lyrics
Play an album in which the lyrics really speak to you.

Day 5: Top 5
Play me one of your top 5 albums from 2022

Day 6: Live
Play me an album by one of the best live artists you have seen.

Day 7: 7”
Play a single

Day 8: No Jazz Sunday
The first time I did a challenge thread, back on the old VMP forum, I included this just to fuck with @Lee Newman . I’ve kind of become attached to it since. Play me anything but jazz!

Day 9: Fuck Chad, it’s MoFi Monday
Play me something released by MoFi.

Day 10: Top 10
Play me one of your top 10 albums of all time.

Day 11: I Forgot
In memory of me being an absent minded fool play an album from the recesses of your collection that you haven’t spun in so long that you almost forgot you owned it!

Day 12: Big In Japan
In honour of all the great Japanese presses I’ve bought. Interpret this as you please.

Day 13: Friday Night Soul
Play me some smooth soul music fit for a Friday night.

Day 14: 2023
Play me a album by the artist who you are most looking forward to releasing music in 2023.

Day 15: Skint January
It’s midway through January and we’re all bankrupt. Play me something from your backlogue.

Day 16: Baby It’s Cold Outside
Play me a winter album

Day 17: Smash The System
The world is fucked. Play me a great protest album or an album that is a great call to arms.

Day 18: Needles & Grooves AoTM
These are great. More of you should get involved. Play one that was a new discovery that you love. No dupes rule suspended for today.

Day 19: Readers & Writers
Play an album, or an album by an artist, with literary aspersions.

Day 20: It’s Friday, Let’s Party
Play something that makes you dance.

Day 21: Football
It’s Saturday! As some of you may know I love football (for my American friends not the NFL stuff). Play an album that’s full of great terrace sing alongs.

Day 22: Road Trip Music
Play a great driving album.

Day 23: Monday Blues
Play an album to alleviate the Monday back to work blues.

Day 24: Computer Love
Play a great electronic record.

Day 25: Wednesdays
You’ve got over the hump in the week. The only way is down to the weekend. Play something suitably lighthearted and care free.

Day 26: Hooks
Play an album with a hook that you just can’t deny.

Day 27: Friday I’m In Love
Interpret this one as you choose

Day 28: The Piano Has Been Drinking
Play me a great album to drink to/be drunk listening to.

Day 29: Jazz Sunday
Go on then, I’ll give all you Jazz nuts a yard, don’t go taking a mile…

Day 30: Local Record Stores
Please support your local record stores over evil corps and soulless online warehouses. Play something you bought in a record store you love.

Day 31: January Recap
Play your favourite fresh grab from January.
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Day 1: Happy New Year
Raise a wee dram to see in the new year and pick a great album to accompany it.

Sadly I don't have any whisky in the house. I do have whiskey... specifically rye, so that will have to do!

It's midnight somewhere on the planet right now and that means the new year has already begun!

The Nude Party – Midnight Manor

I'll be away from my turntable for another week or so and I don't want to fall behind that much. I'll stream albums from my collection until I'm back home.

Day 1: Happy New Year
Raise a wee dram to see in the new year and pick a great album to accompany it.

Let's start the new year in a raucous way!

The Chats - Get Fucked

Day 1: Happy New Year
Raise a wee dram to see in the new year and pick a great album to accompany it.

Gábor Szabó – Dreams

8:05pm NYE:
...and this was after I fought it for nearly 45 minutes, trying to read an article on my phone and listen to the final side of the Alice Coltrane record I had on - finally, my wife said, "Fuck it!" and tucked me in. 🤣 As such, Dreams feels like the perfect Happy New Year album and a tremendous first spin of the year. My favourite pick-up from my time with VMP, for sure.
Day 1: Happy New Year
Raise a wee dram to see in the new year and pick a great album to accompany it.

Modest Mouse - The Lonesome Crowded West


@LeSamourai had the same idea in the December thread. I had the privilege of getting to know Jeremiah Green briefly in my Seattle days and this news this morning was such a sad start to this year. Watching him play was an experience. I rarely play my Up Records pressing of this album because it feels so fragile but this is a good time to play it.
Day 1: Happy New Year
Raise a wee dram to see in the new year and pick a great album to accompany it.
Karate "Pockets" - kicks off with a fitting one two punch, "With Age" followed by "Water"...that's about where I'm at these days! I'm solidly in team "in bed and asleep before midnight"...

Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance.

Day 2: Hangover
I suppose technically the hangover was yesterday but still. Play an album to soothe a well earned sore head!

Yo La Tengo - Stuff Like That There

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I've almost grabbed this a couple of times now simply because they cover The Cosmic Rays and I'm long overdue to check Yo La Tengo out!
Day 2: Hangover
I suppose technically the hangover was yesterday but still. Play an album to soothe a well earned sore head!

My heart is crammed in my cranium and it still knows how to pound!

Frank Black - Teenager of the Year
