Needles & Grooves AotM /// Vol. 49 - July 2023 /// Elephant Gym - Dreams

Having 12-25 Discogs tabs open at the same time can get very confusing!
I still don't think I'd have ever solved this one. I had my pitchfork all ready to court martial the Colonel too.
Got a new copy from someone who said they bought two on accident off discogs for $16.
Awesome album!
Flipped it right back to the beginning when it ended the first time.
I don't know what I expected "math rock" to sound like, but this wasn't it.
Once again, this is exactly why I love this little corner of the forum - I can't imagine this coming to my attention otherwise.
First LP and EP were recently repressed and available on their bandcamp.

I heavily implore all of you to at least check out Angle. Had it been in stock, it might've edged out Dreams for the AoTM.

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I picked up Angle when I saw the reissue! It’s definitely not as well engineered as Dreams, but it’s quite good.