I'm one of those weirdos that thinks The Last Jedi has some really outstanding parts (Rey/Kylo, the Hondo Maneuver) and some parts I'd rather not watch again (the Casino). Though it seems online you have to either really hate it or really love it. There seems to be no middle ground.
I'm one of those weirdos that thinks The Last Jedi has some really outstanding parts (Rey/Kylo, the Hondo Maneuver) and some parts I'd rather not watch again (the Casino). Though it seems online you have to either really hate it or really love it. There seems to be no middle ground.
I’m with you. I really really like everything but the Canto Bight subplot.
I'm one of those weirdos that thinks The Last Jedi has some really outstanding parts (Rey/Kylo, the Hondo Maneuver) and some parts I'd rather not watch again (the Casino). Though it seems online you have to either really hate it or really love it. There seems to be no middle ground.

I'll be the first to admit there are quite a few parts that prevent it from being perfection, but I think those positives you mentioned, what it should've done for the franchise, and the implications of things like Rey's parentage and Luke's very human mistakes make it a top tier SW film. Probably 2nd best for me after Empire.

Oh yea and the Throne room scene is the absolute GOAT fight scene in any of the films.
I'm one of those weirdos that thinks The Last Jedi has some really outstanding parts (Rey/Kylo, the Hondo Maneuver) and some parts I'd rather not watch again (the Casino). Though it seems online you have to either really hate it or really love it. There seems to be no middle ground.

I wanted it to destroy and deconstruct the dated and quaint elements of the franchise more. It's 2019. What would Star Wars look like if it was a new, exciting thing that was being made today and not beholden to a foundation and worldview crafted 40 years ago? It seemed to do it enough to piss people off but it also relented and still had some parts that were just as safe and silly as the prequels and the Force Awakens. I wanted something weird that messed with our notions of good/evil and what heroism means and looks like today. I'm also not really a Star Wars fan so I would definitely ruin it for everyone if I was in charge.
I wanted it to destroy and deconstruct the dated and quaint elements of the franchise more. It's 2019. What would Star Wars look like if it was a new, exciting thing that was being made today and not beholden to a foundation and worldview crafted 40 years ago? It seemed to do it enough to piss people off but it also relented and still had some parts that were just as safe and silly as the prequels and the Force Awakens. I wanted something weird that messed with our notions of good/evil and what heroism means and looks like today. I'm also not really a Star Wars fan so I would definitely ruin it for everyone if I was in charge.

I can see this point. The Kylo/Rey scene right after the Throne room fight, where he tells her they should "let [the Jedi & Sith] die" is my favorite scene in the entire franchise and I think embodies what you're getting at. They could've tried to explore it more though.
I wanted it to destroy and deconstruct the dated and quaint elements of the franchise more. It's 2019. What would Star Wars look like if it was a new, exciting thing that was being made today and not beholden to a foundation and worldview crafted 40 years ago? It seemed to do it enough to piss people off but it also relented and still had some parts that were just as safe and silly as the prequels and the Force Awakens. I wanted something weird that messed with our notions of good/evil and what heroism means and looks like today. I'm also not really a Star Wars fan so I would definitely ruin it for everyone if I was in charge.

People simultaneously wanted it to be wholly original but have all the elements of the OT. But if it strayed too far one way or the other, people got mad. That's the risk of any sequel/prequel trilogy. Most of it will be a derivative of the original. The story that everyone fell in love with was already written. So either it's an homage like TFA or something different like TLJ. But I think ultimately people just have issues with being satisfied with these things that were made precious and such a large part of their youth. Then you also have a lot of those dangling plotlines that JJ threw out in TFA that weren't resolved the way some fans wanted (Rey's parents, who was Snoke, etc.). Also, some wanted badass Super Jedi Luke taking down Star Destroyers or AT-ATs with the Force and didn't get that. I like to call this the Dark Empire syndrome, based on the comic where Luke takes down an AT-AT in the original Dark Horse sequel trilogy that I have no doubt JJ is going to crib a little for this movie. I base that on the Emperor being a possible addition to this one but that's pure speculation on my part.

I really hope Rian Johnson gets to work on his own trilogy. It would be fantastic to see what he could do with the Star Wars universe, free from the Skywalker legacy and Lucas conventions. If I'm being honest, I'd much rather see more Rogue Ones than sequel trilogies. And this is coming from someone who absolutely adores Rey.
People simultaneously wanted it to be wholly original but have all the elements of the OT. But if it strayed too far one way or the other, people got mad. That's the risk of any sequel/prequel trilogy. Most of it will be a derivative of the original. The story that everyone fell in love with was already written. So either it's an homage like TFA or something different like TLJ. But I think ultimately people just have issues with being satisfied with these things that were made precious and such a large part of their youth. Then you also have a lot of those dangling plotlines that JJ threw out in TFA that weren't resolved the way some fans wanted (Rey's parents, who was Snoke, etc.). Also, some wanted badass Super Jedi Luke taking down Star Destroyers or AT-ATs with the Force and didn't get that. I like to call this the Dark Empire syndrome, based on the comic where Luke takes down an AT-AT in the original Dark Horse sequel trilogy that I have no doubt JJ is going to crib a little for this movie. I base that on the Emperor being a possible addition to this one but that's pure speculation on my part.

I really hope Rian Johnson gets to work on his own trilogy. It would be fantastic to see what he could do with the Star Wars universe, free from the Skywalker legacy and Lucas conventions. If I'm being honest, I'd much rather see more Rogue Ones than sequel trilogies. And this is coming from someone who absolutely adores Rey.

I would say though that TLJ is a great blend of being "wholly original and still elements of OT". As @swamp jazz box set mentioned, it touched on a lot of those "controversial" things, but didn't always explore them as much as it could've. IMO Fans just rioted because of three main reasons: 1) They didn't like Luke as a fallible hero. Since RotJ, there's been this idea that Luke is perfect and most fanboys just couldn't stand the fact that maybe he makes mistakes too. 2) A quality, character-centered SW film doesn't feel like a classic SW film. 3) The subplots contained plotholes that, in the context of the first two reasons, were put under a microscope--especially since when you lay out the reasons, most of them boil down to "I just didn't like it" as opposed to legitimate criticisms.

Just my opinions though. :coffee:
I can see this point. The Kylo/Rey scene right after the Throne room fight, where he tells her they should "let [the Jedi & Sith] die" is my favorite scene in the entire franchise and I think embodies what you're getting at. They could've tried to explore it more though.
The TV shows do this with Ahsoka, for what it's worth. She's totally the most forward-thinking character the franchise has had in regards to the force and what not.
I would say though that TLJ is a great blend of being "wholly original and still elements of OT". As @swamp jazz box set mentioned, it touched on a lot of those "controversial" things, but didn't always explore them as much as it could've. IMO Fans just rioted because of three main reasons: 1) They didn't like Luke as a fallible hero. Since RotJ, there's been this idea that Luke is perfect and most fanboys just couldn't stand the fact that maybe he makes mistakes too. 2) A quality, character-centered SW film doesn't feel like a classic SW film. 3) The subplots contained plotholes that, in the context of the first two reasons, were put under a microscope--especially since when you lay out the reasons, most of them boil down to "I just didn't like it" as opposed to legitimate criticisms.

Just my opinions though. :coffee:
It's a series where force ghosts exist! How can people give me shit about Leia floating through space after the bridge of her transport gets blown away?!

Star Wars fans are weird.