Vinyl Me Please Anthology

Storf said the next Anthology will probably be completely upfront with artist names and titles since only 2 of the albums are on streaming. Will be arranged by geography. Hip hop Anthology coming this year that's artist based. Storf would like to do a Wu-Tang Anthology. Blues Anthology at some point. The hat hint was Media or Medium Records. I couldn't hear his answer.

Man, I feel for all you still waiting for delivery of the STAX box. Most of all because it's so friggin' great and you're truly missing out. Your situation would drive me bonkers. I can only say it's well worth the wait. The thing is awesome!!

Finally had movement today. Of course I left for a business trip so I'll wait an extra few days now
Anyone else have a little freakout before ripping open the secrecy sleeves? It honestly felt like I was damaging the packaging. 😬

yes! I know some people are keeping them, but they look so ugly to me especially with the rip from end to end. Also I find it frustrating to have to open the box and then open one of those to get the record out.