Neverending Covid-19 Coronavirus

Aren't those who commit suicide because of a crash mostly people who are wealthy and have lost most of their wealth? That is what happened during the great depression.

I'm sure with mental health issues being more rampant as well there may be rampant depression among extraverts.
The stock market ain’t the realm of the wealthy anymore. How many regular folks have their retirement wrapped up in a 401k that’s lost a third of its value and is steadily dropping? I’ve already heard from some folks that their retirement is getting delayed.

On the reasons tame the hysteria, I have friends who live in Columbus. The wife is a nurse and had a coworker who was calling someone to give a positive COVID-19 test result. They committed suicide while on the phone.

Big Brother canada was just shut down production after all non-essential business was shut down. The contestants had no idea about the virus. This video shows them learning about it for the first time and that their families were safe.
NBC is reporting the in Europe the counties that have locked down for 2 weeks are now saying it's likely going to be for 2 months.

Stark contrast to us here in the States who only have just started to see some states lock down and Trump is already saying we need to get people back to work and open things back up.

In France at least they should announce that the lock down will last fort another 4 weeks so it should be a total of 6 weeks. This was recommended by a group of scientist and doctors in contact with the government. It doesn't mean that it won't be longer than 6 weeks.
In France at least they should announce that the lock down will last fort another 4 weeks so it should be a total of 6 weeks. This was recommended by a group of scientist and doctors in contact with the government. It doesn't mean that it won't be longer than 6 weeks.

Yeah. A few are doing 6 weeks. But very well likely could be extended.

Even if it's only 6 weeks, compare that to the States.

Trump issues 15 day self quarantine recommendations.

Many states took a further week to implementation their lockdown. A total of 16 states out of 50 are on lockdown.

We only just started and we are sounding all the alarms about the economy and are saying we must reverse track now.

Edit: 15 day self quarantine recommendation, not week.
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The stock market ain’t the realm of the wealthy anymore. How many regular folks have their retirement wrapped up in a 401k that’s lost a third of its value and is steadily dropping? I’ve already heard from some folks that their retirement is getting delayed.

On the reasons tame the hysteria, I have friends who live in Columbus. The wife is a nurse and had a coworker who was calling someone to give a positive COVID-19 test result. They committed suicide while on the phone.

This is disturbing! I’m sure you don’t know the particulars of the patient, but there’s a good chance that the probability of dying was very low. A possibility, but low. I mean people go through cancer treatment that have low probability of working.

You are right about health and the economy being important. When they first were talking about the checks to individuals i had a few thoughts.

How are they gonna do that efficiently? With banks the Fed just presses a few buttons and bam it’s in some bank computer somewhere (oversimplification, but essentially what happens). Sending checks to every citizen is complicated. I’m not a big fan of cooperate power, but doing it this way is efficient. How does that value get distributed? Interest free loans?

You are right, the majority of business falls in the small business category. How do they get access to relief funds? Through banks or directly from the government? Banks are already a distribution network. Why build another?

Then there is the issue of personal finance. It’s risky to give all these people even interest free loans. A bank will pay it back. Do we just stop all utility paymentS and debt collection and allow people to apply for food and auto fuel subsidies to keep everyone afloat? Some of the middle class is invested in the market. They are seeing their retirement savings shrivel up.
Yeah. A few are doing 6 weeks. But very well likely could be extended.

Even if it's only 6 weeks, compare that to the States.

Trump issues 15 week self quarantine recommendations.

Many states took a further week to implementation their lockdown. A total of 16 states out of 50 are on lockdown.

We only just started and we are sounding all the alarms about the economy and are saying we must reverse track now.

I am sincerely afraid of what is about to happen in the USA.
It is much bigger than that. 84% of employment in this country is considered service sector. Sure, plenty of white collar folks can work from home, as this group here shows. But tens of millions are sitting at home right now furloughed, laid off, or just plain without a job right now. I don’t have, and never have, claim to have the answers. All I know is that the government can’t take over enough stuff, or print enough money to make this all better. All I’m trying to say is ease off on the folks who are focusing on the economic side. Some of us focus on the business stuff and leave the doctoring stuff to the doctors in our family. Or to put it another way, after 16 years I can still watch Grey’s Anatomy and find a medical crisis of the week interesting Instead of ridiculous.
Did i know this re: grey's? I still watch it too! Lol
Aren't those who commit suicide because of a crash mostly people who are wealthy and have lost most of their wealth? That is what happened during the great depression.

I'm sure with mental health issues being more rampant as well there may be rampant depression among extraverts.
Most people still aren't in the stock market at all. All of the "unskilled" labor jobs who are getting laid off right now with no savings and landlords who are sending angry eviction notices even though some of the courts are shut down. For those people the chance of suicide will certainly go up. Adding isolation on top of that certainly heightens the chance for people who don't handle that well.
It's hard to understand why there are 75+ pages in this thread arguing the basic facts of the virus/es, the pandemic, and what is needed to end it.

If everything is shut down for 2-3 weeks the outbreak would be under control and the economy could start to ramp back up. Meaning everything stops other than the hospitals treating patients, the public services like water and wastewater, and the supply delivery chain. Why because by then everyone who was exposed and was going to become ill would be and could either remain in isolation or be hospitalized as need dictates. The rest of us could then safely travel about with minimal risk of exposure and spreading the virus further.

We (the U.S.) were ill-prepared to do so when the time was right in late Feb. early March when we knew there was an outbreak in WA state and we are ill-prepared to do it now. The reasons why are various and political, but they don't really matter because the right and moral thing to do is to shut it down so that less people die from the illness and the hardship (even death) due to capitalism can be limited and overcome more quickly.

These too are moot points because we are not going to shut it down, there are plenty of asymptomatic carriers wondering around, and perhaps 40-80% of the populous will have contracted the virus when it's all said and done in a year. Thankfully the vast majority of those people will not die. Hopefully we all will have learned something... but probably not.
Same! I need it to end. I need to be released.

Also - let Jo be happy!

And you know they are gonna have a virus episode(s).
I bet they are re-writing the last few episodes right now for just that purpose considering they had to shut production down with the last three or four episodes of the season remaining to be filmed.
It's hard to understand why there are 75+ pages in this thread arguing the basic facts of the virus/es, the pandemic, and what is needed to end it.

If everything is shut down for 2-3 weeks the outbreak would be under control and the economy could start to ramp back up. Meaning everything stops other than the hospitals treating patients, the public services like water and wastewater, and the supply delivery chain. Why because by then everyone who was exposed and was going to become ill would be and could either remain in isolation or be hospitalized as need dictates. The rest of us could then safely travel about with minimal risk of exposure and spreading the virus further.

We (the U.S.) were ill-prepared to do so when the time was right in late Feb. early March when we knew there was an outbreak in WA state and we are ill-prepared to do it now. The reasons why are various and political, but they don't really matter because the right and moral thing to do is to shut it down so that less people die from the illness and the hardship (even death) due to capitalism can be limited and overcome more quickly.

These too are moot points because we are not going to shut it down, there are plenty of asymptomatic carriers wondering around, and perhaps 40-80% of the populous will have contracted the virus when it's all said and done in a year. Thankfully the vast majority of those people will not die. Hopefully we all will have learned something... but probably not.

You should see some of the other forums out there. There is 1300+ pages of this in a thread on another forum I'm on.

I think we are finding that 2-3 weeks is not enough. It's likely going to be 6+ weeks of a lockdown. Data is showing 2 to 3 weeks of lockdown is what is required to stop acceleration of spread. But It's too soon to start to ramp things back up. The spread would just start accelerating again.

What is needed is to get steep decline in the number of new cases and self quarantine all those who are sick before we can start to ramp things back up.
You should see some of the other forums out there. There is 1300+ pages of this in a thread on another forum I'm on.

I think we are finding that 2-3 weeks is not enough. It's likely going to be 6+ weeks of a lockdown. Data is showing 2 to 3 weeks of lockdown is what is required to stop acceleration of spread. But It's too soon to start to ramp things back up. The spread would just start accelerating again.

What is needed is to get steep decline in the number of new cases and self quarantine all those who are sick before we can start to ramp things back up.

LA schools aren’t even considering going back until May 1st.
You should see some of the other forums out there. There is 1300+ pages of this in a thread on another forum I'm on.

I think we are finding that 2-3 weeks is not enough. It's likely going to be 6+ weeks of a lockdown. Data is showing 2 to 3 weeks of lockdown is what is required to stop acceleration of spread. But It's too soon to start to ramp things back up. The spread would just start accelerating again.

What is needed is to get steep decline in the number of new cases and self quarantine all those who are sick before we can start to ramp things back up.

Yeah, 6 months is wrong. 6 months may be the reality because lockdown doesn't really mean lockdown here in the U.S.

The virus incubates for 3-14 days. Therefore, you are ill within 3 to 14 days of exposure. Not 6 months.

Arguing about these facts is pointless and mostly people are bickering over their political and economic points of view instead of listening to the public health facts
In Washington State the rate of new cases is slowing. It is still increasing, but at a slower rate than before. Washington State was the first State to see an outbreak.

Health experts are warning however that we don't know if the rate of spread has actually slowed or if this is due to the changes in the guidelines for testing.
These two things seem to me to be the key points. Had we taken swift, nationwide action, we could have avoided much of this (for now at least). Instead, we've been engaged in slow incrementalism on a state by state basis. Between a third and one half of our population is under shelter in place orders, but the majority of states haven't enacted anything like that. Even in the states with those orders, like mine, today is the first day it's in effect. That means the +14 day clock starts here TODAY. And every time somebody who isn't observing the shelter in place order in a given state moves about and infects someone else, the +14 day clock resets again.

I think the months-long question is not about what the US could have done in isolation, but what happens when interstate/international travel start up again. Two weeks at a national scale might be enough to curb the current outbreak, but it doesn't mean that another won't spring up right after that and put you in a cycle of lockdowns. The more months you're practicing isolation, the longer you can defer the second surge of cases, right?
