Pre-Order Thread

It's only in black right now, but hopefully a color version might come later
$35? wow
Does seem outta character, makes me wonder if this is why there's no Early Bird edition because they didn't want to charge $40 for it and call attention to it.
I'm guessing it's a deal they made with Matt to release it. He's been very hardcore when it comes to his music and I believe he is that way because of how he was screwed by the majors. That's one of the reasons why we haven't gotten a legit reissue from him for You'd Prefer an Astronaut.

Anyway that's just my take on it. They're a legacy cult band at this point...
I'm guessing it's a deal they made with Matt to release it. He's been very hardcore when it comes to his music and I believe he is that way because of how he was screwed by the majors. That's one of the reasons why we haven't gotten a legit reissue from him for You'd Prefer an Astronaut.

Anyway that's just my take on it. They're a legacy cult band at this point...
Anything from Matt that's worth checking out during their 22 year album hiatus?
I think there already was a VMP variant of this a couple months ago.

Edit: Yup...


Enjoy The Ride variant is up now.

View attachment 53372

Enjoy The Ride variant is up now.

Amazing movie.. couldn't name one song from the soundtrack.
RE: Hum - looks like that's just released by Earth Analog (Matt's label). Polyvinyl sells a bunch of curated non-PV stuff on their site, too.

Either way, really glad to see a new Hum album. Really wish they'd reissue Centaur - In Streams as well!