Ed Selley
Active Member
Yes, this is a vinyl orientated forum, Yes, the bulk of hardware discussions are going to revolve around analogue hardware and this is the way things should be.
It's foolish to suggest that digital isn't a useful part of our audio systems and that some prudent purchasing decisions can make it rather less incidental than would be the case if we don't like the way it is performing. As such, rather than have it intrude on the general equipment recs thread, I thought it might be worth having a thread that allows for the discussion of things pertaining to ones and zeros. I'll set myself up for a fall by announcing that;
1) I like well sorted digital audio- I'm listening to it as I type this.
2) The bang for your buck that modern digital offers is such that a relatively sensible outlay can give your equipment a 'reserve capability' that can come in very handy when you're too... 'tired and emotional'... to use a turntable.
3) I spend a lot of time playing about with it so if you've got specific questions, ask them and I'll do my best to answer them.
To kick off- this evening's music comes courtesy of this duo;

That's an Innuos Zenith Mk3 Server (bottom), configured as a Roon Core sending a 24/88.2 version of Dead Can Dance's Spiritchaser to a Naim Uniti Nova all in one. This isn't bargain basement stuff but I've been playing about with stuff recently that can mirror a lot of the functionality for a lot less so, if you're looking at the 'not the turntable' part of your system and have some questions how you might give it a dose of smelling salts, ask away.
It's foolish to suggest that digital isn't a useful part of our audio systems and that some prudent purchasing decisions can make it rather less incidental than would be the case if we don't like the way it is performing. As such, rather than have it intrude on the general equipment recs thread, I thought it might be worth having a thread that allows for the discussion of things pertaining to ones and zeros. I'll set myself up for a fall by announcing that;
1) I like well sorted digital audio- I'm listening to it as I type this.
2) The bang for your buck that modern digital offers is such that a relatively sensible outlay can give your equipment a 'reserve capability' that can come in very handy when you're too... 'tired and emotional'... to use a turntable.
3) I spend a lot of time playing about with it so if you've got specific questions, ask them and I'll do my best to answer them.
To kick off- this evening's music comes courtesy of this duo;

That's an Innuos Zenith Mk3 Server (bottom), configured as a Roon Core sending a 24/88.2 version of Dead Can Dance's Spiritchaser to a Naim Uniti Nova all in one. This isn't bargain basement stuff but I've been playing about with stuff recently that can mirror a lot of the functionality for a lot less so, if you're looking at the 'not the turntable' part of your system and have some questions how you might give it a dose of smelling salts, ask away.