Well-Known Member
nahI guess we're really doing this huh
nahI guess we're really doing this huh
I guess we're really doing this huh
I'm not familiar with his music, not a fan?
I think it’s more the whole controversy of him grooming young hopeful female artists with promises of record deals/recording sessions and his manipulative and controlling behaviour towards his ex wife.
The NY Times did an expose just before the first of a trio of albums was to be released in early 2019. The record company pulled its release. This was to be the second of the trio. I think that’s more what the post is referring to.
there is also other disturbing allegations you've left out.I think it’s more the whole controversy of him grooming young hopeful female artists with promises of record deals/recording sessions and his manipulative and controlling behaviour towards his ex wife.
The NY Times did an expose just before the first of a trio of albums was to be released in early 2019. The record company pulled its release. This was to be the second of the trio. I think that’s more what the post is referring to.
Huge fan and I sold / gave away everything I had of his when the allegations came to light.I think it’s more the whole controversy of him grooming young hopeful female artists with promises of record deals/recording sessions and his manipulative and controlling behaviour towards his ex wife.
The NY Times did an expose just before the first of a trio of albums was to be released in early 2019. The record company pulled its release. This was to be the second of the trio. I think that’s more what the post is referring to.
His music is phenomenal but he is a terrible human being.I'm not familiar with his music, not a fan?
At my local store all his records, which were brand new, got put in the discount long boxes below the shelves for a few bucks. Owners took a loss, but they didn't care.I think it’s more the whole controversy of him grooming young hopeful female artists with promises of record deals/recording sessions and his manipulative and controlling behaviour towards his ex wife.
The NY Times did an expose just before the first of a trio of albums was to be released in early 2019. The record company pulled its release. This was to be the second of the trio. I think that’s more what the post is referring to.
At my local store all his records, which were brand new, got put in the discount long boxes below the shelves for a few bucks. Owners took a loss, but they didn't care.
I think it’s more the whole controversy of him grooming young hopeful female artists with promises of record deals/recording sessions and his manipulative and controlling behaviour towards his ex wife.
The NY Times did an expose just before the first of a trio of albums was to be released in early 2019. The record company pulled its release. This was to be the second of the trio. I think that’s more what the post is referring to.
Here we go again ..
Shall we just forget all the reprehensible things people do so that you can ignore uncomfortable truths? Nope I don’t think we’ll be doing that.
You are perfectly entitled to buy and listen to whatever the hell you like. Others are perfectly entitled to point out what he’s done, which is not inconsiderable, question why he’s allowed to resume his career where he left off 2 years later where he left it off and to refuse to support him. He did this to himself with his actions towards his many victims.
Just not a fan of cancel culture
I’m not a fan of people shouting cancel culture when people refuse to financially support an artist or refuse to give them a platform, No artist has an automatic right to my money, a right to a platform or a right to do shit and have people not point it out.
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If I can't be the table, not even gonna, all these Metallica reissues and no Lulu???hehe no thanks
i might be thin-skinned and biased here as a german but comparing book burning ( mostly done by oppressive regimes like the nazis) with someone stating they don´t want to support an artist like ryan adam is just something i do not wanna let stand here uncommented. it is simply not the same . someone not agrreing witha dams as a person and not supporting his art or even urging others not to buy his stuff is far from censorship carried out by an oppressive regime. No one will fear repercussions for buying ryans stuff, he is not censored, indeed his record are widely available at all retailers, he is able to express his views on social media and (probably, i did not check) on music websites and publications as different to burning books imo
i might be thin-skinned and biased here as a german but comparing book burning ( mostly done by oppressive regimes like the nazis) with someone stating they don´t want to support an artist like ryan adam is just something i do not wanna let stand here uncommented. it is simply not the same . someone not agrreing witha dams as a person and not supporting his art or even urging others not to buy his stuff is far from censorship carried out by an oppressive regime. No one will fear repercussions for buying ryans stuff, he is not censored, indeed his record are widely available at all retailers, he is able to express his views on social media and (probably, i did not check) on music websites and publications as well.
I do understand that it is a personal decison whose stuff to buy and whose not and we are probably all inconsequential and hypocritical in our actions regarding this, ( i love his past work too much to have gotten rid of the lps i have, but feel no great need to dive in the new one itm, but have led zep, stones or bowie records without having a clear cut rule on hat to buy and what not) but just shouting "cancel culture" and "censorship" i find a bit too simplistic. I grant him or others ( like morissey) the right to free expression and releasing music. i don´t want anyone to enforce him not to pu out records, but i also i also want to grant anyone the right to refuse to collaborate or financially support those as well as the right to criticize them and their work