Well-Known Member

I have got to say @Ponman2003, you have slammed it out of the freaking park with these picks! All classics in their own regard, I can’t wait to blast STAAAAAAARRRRMAANNNNN.
It also came with a handwritten letter, which, @Ponman2003, I hope you and your family are doing well, especially considering the uncertainty of these times. It sounds like the letter was written around Thanksgiving? I hope you’ve gotten to see your family recently because I can’t imagine the thought of being separated from mine like that, even with how different I am from my family.
I also appreciate the words of kindness and forgiveness in the letter regarding my *ahem* history with this forum. At the end of the day N+G is one family I wouldn’t want to hurt, as they have given me so much.
Back to the albums, I will be listening to these albums happily, when I HOPEFULLY get a new record player come Christmas Day. I unfortunately haven’t been listening to many records recently because something is wrong with my ATLP60, in that it loops on EVERY record I play.
thanks again, @Ponman2003, I will be listening to these records very soon