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currently on a vinyl diet but may need to break my fast for it, will start relistening to make a gametime decisionNeed this album so I hope I don't miss it.

currently on a vinyl diet but may need to break my fast for it, will start relistening to make a gametime decisionNeed this album so I hope I don't miss it.
i think Green is ok, but the pivot from Pinkerton to Green is so bizarre that I can't listen to them back to back within like 2 weeks of each otherSame but substitute Make Believe with The Green Album. The Green Album was fine but I never connected to it like I had their first two record. Though I do think if they put out some sort of post-Pinkerton greatest hits album it would be pretty brilliant.
Weezer used to be my favorite band but I stoppped listing to them after Make Believe, I just felt Rivers started to do quantity over quality.
Side Note: I would be all over a pressing of Matt Sharp’s The Rentals - Return Of The Rentals on wax.
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Tonic Immobility (Coke Bottle Clear Vinyl)
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- Tomahawk - Tonic Immobility (Coke Bottle Clear Vinyl)
Tomahawk:Tonic Immobility (Coke Bottle Clear Vinyl),LP,
How do you think this all got started...Come on guys don’t make us post the SNL Weezer sketch again.
I'm not familiar with Weezer but I LOVE this SNL skit.
How do you think this all got started...
Weezer were my favorite band -- I still have my autographed Pinkerton CD from the '96 Pinkerton tour when they played a tiny shitty club in Lauderdale (and I just found the setlist and fuck that was an awesome show) -- but they sort of turned into doucherock after that, so I often joke about how I love their first two albums, before they disappeared and never made another record again la-la-la-i-can't-hear-you. The dorky awkward innocence that I really loved about their first two albums disappeared after that. I don't know if it was Matt Sharp leaving -- the rentals definitely had that silly je-ne-sais-quois, or maybe it was Rivers getting bitter about not everyone realizing Pinkerton was great (honestly I still think Blue > Pinkerton) or what, but they definitely changed in some important hard to classify way. Catchy hooks and memorable choruses aren't theirs exclusively, but they did it so well, and it sucked and still sucks, that now their catchy hooks and choruses have this miasma of dickheadishness and forced humor over it.
oh yes. yes please.
Back in like 2010...maybe, they were doing a tour where the first night they would play the Blue Album all the way through and the 2nd night they would play Pinkerton from beginning to end. We went for the Pinkerton concert and it was fantastic they played the album completely then came back for a 2nd set and played almost all of the Blue Album plus pretty much every single they had released up until that point. It was a blast.When I saw them on Pinkerton they played every song from the first two albums plus a couple b-sides with the only exception being Only In Dreams. It was a perfect Weezer show.
Bill Fox -
Back in like 2010...maybe, they were doing a tour where the first night they would play the Blue Album all the way through and the 2nd night they would play Pinkerton from beginning to end. We went for the Pinkerton concert and it was fantastic they played the album completely then came back for a 2nd set and played almost all of the Blue Album plus pretty much every single they had released up until that point. It was a blast.
Bill Fox -
Back in like 2010...maybe, they were doing a tour where the first night they would play the Blue Album all the way through and the 2nd night they would play Pinkerton from beginning to end. We went for the Pinkerton concert and it was fantastic they played the album completely then came back for a 2nd set and played almost all of the Blue Album plus pretty much every single they had released up until that point. It was a blast.
Since this is on her website, I'm going to assume it's a repress of the RSD release. It's very well done, from the notes for each song she provides to the pressings themselves.
Aimee Mann - Bachelor No. 2 (or the last remains of the dodo) 20th Anniversary Edition
Bachelor No. 2 (or the last remains of the dodo) 20th Anniversary
When I lived back in Illinois, we would go every year to the Pitchfork Music Fest and for awhile they did a series (it might have been called “Don’t Look Back”, something like that) Where They would have artists play a classic album all the way through. We were lucky enough to see; Sonic Youth Play Daydream Nation, Sebasoh play Bubble & Scrape, Slint play Spiderland and The Gza play Liquid Sword, Public Enemy play It Takes a Nation..., and Mission To Burma play Vs.I need more bands to do these playing-an-album-from-front-to-back shows...I love them so much.
When I lived back in Illinois, we would go every year to the Pitchfork Music Fest and for awhile they did a series (it might have been called “Don’t Look Back”, something like that) Where They would have artists play a classic album all the way through. We were lucky enough to see; Sonic Youth Play Daydream Nation, Sebasoh play Bubble & Scrape, Slint play Spiderland and The Gza play Liquid Sword, Public Enemy play It Takes a Nation..., and Mission To Burma play Vs.
More recently we caught the band Why? Play Alopecia in its entirety.
good stuff.