Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

HAHAHAHA oh they will NOT like that hahaha

Retort completed. I was going to be much meaner but decided against it.
It's probably not worth going any further with that guy, but I do recommend looking at their Discogs profile for fun. They don't have a collection at all, but have somehow posted 60+ comments - all on hypebeast-style releases and all in pretty much the same vein as yours. I didn't think I'd ever find a full-time Discogs troll, so thanks for shaking one out 😂
It's probably not worth going any further with that guy, but I do recommend looking at their Discogs profile for fun. They don't have a collection at all, but have somehow posted 60+ comments - all on hypebeast-style releases and all in pretty much the same vein as yours. I didn't think I'd ever find a full-time Discogs troll, so thanks for shaking one out 😂
I think that might be a setting thing. I show @matger without a collection too and he’s my friend.😟
NIGHTMather went and wrote a review on the Cogs page for VMPs Frances The Mute and said that the 2015 bootleg is actually better and people are losing their minds... Mars Volta fans are VERY fragile...
When you say bootleg you mean the MOV press? If so I can easily imagine it sounding just as good / the same / better. I have the MOV de-loused and can't tell the difference between that and the new pressings.