Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Probably not to be honest but I’ll give it a think! This was Lush Life and not Eastern Sounds by the way. I think I sent somebody the replacement liner notes already

If you ever do decide to get rid of it, I’d be interested
Yeah it was just a rumor. Apparently it was pretty much finished when it got pulled, then this boot comes out and it's got high res art, big thick stock triple gatefold, heavyweight vinyl and it sounds quite good (I mean comparatively speaking, the album's isn't exactly a sonic masterpiece quality wise). It could have nothing to do with MOV but it sounds a lot better than I'd expect a CD rip to sound. And it LOOKS dang near identical to the OG package... minus the 6th side etching...
Does your bootleg version have the locked grooves?
Interesting. Sounds pretty legit compared to other bootlegs.
Honestly, I very much believe it's made up of the parts of the scrapped MOV release. It's very very well done. It's not dead quiet like the new Clouds Hill. But it's more dynamic and punchy and it does not have the cheap digital brick walling that I would expect from a CD ripped to vinyl. The bells on The Widow float past you through the air, and usually that sort of presence doesn't happen with cheap boots.
It's probably not worth going any further with that guy, but I do recommend looking at their Discogs profile for fun. They don't have a collection at all, but have somehow posted 60+ comments - all on hypebeast-style releases and all in pretty much the same vein as yours. I didn't think I'd ever find a full-time Discogs troll, so thanks for shaking one out 😂
Just as a totally unnecessary addendum to this... I just had 13 of the trolls "reviews" deleted from Cogs. That's about 20% of them.
I think I'm done being petty now.